All School eNews – Celebrating the Arts, in March!

ISB Arts in March 

Come celebrate all of the wonderful art events held throughout March as ISB celebrates our annual month-long arts festival, ISBAM 2019!

ES Art Exhibition (Currently open: Chevron Theatre Lobby, Main Library)
Jazz Night (March 26th : MPB1-3)
BOrCh (April 4th: Chevron Theater)
IB Art and Film Exhibition (Student Opening – 20 March , Parent Opening – 27 March: CC Foyer)
IB Arts Madness (March 18 : CC Theatre)
Arts Council’s Art Fest/ISBAM Main Stage (March 28)

Anthony Giles, Director of Arts & Activities


Cyber Security for Kids: Presented by U.S. Embassy Bangkok

Wednesday, March 13th, 6:30 – 8:00pm

Please join this student and parent session on Cyber Security, which will be presented by the U.S. Embassy Bangkok at ISB.  Please register here

It will be based on the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. campaign put out by the US Department of Homeland Security. 

March 13th
6:30pm – 7:00pm Kids Presentation
7:00pm – 7:30pm Parents Presentation
Literary Lounge, Middle School/High School Library

Some key topics covered will be on mobile phones, video games, and social media.

Take the Free ISB Parent Shuttle Service from Downtown to ISB

We are pleased to be trialling a shuttle service between ISB and downtown for our parents. On account of feedback received through the PTA from our parent community in town, we have chosen times which seem to work for the majority and one central stop of Emporium Suites, near the Phrom Phong BTS.

We will be assessing the frequency of use and also the convenience of the times over the next month, to determine the viability of this service.

At this stage, we are using a 13-seater van, as we do not anticipate great numbers at this stage. There is no need to book, you can simply meet at the ISB Panther, or the Emporium Suites Lobby 5 minutes before the van departure time to join the shuttle.

Should you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email

Monday – Saturday (exclude public holidays, Professional days-no school for students)

ISB To Emporium Suites  6.00am
Emporium Suites to ISB  8.00am
ISB To Emporium suites  2.00pm
Emporium Suites to ISB  4.00pm

Join the Booster Board 

A number of our dedicated Booster Club volunteers will be moving at the end of this school year, and so we’re looking for parents interested in helping us support our kids in arts, academics and athletics. Joining the Booster Club is a great way to get more involved at school and is also lots of fun. For more information, please contact Maria Van Zant at

Booster Hut Open on Parent-Teacher Conference Days

The Booster Hut will be open this Thursday and Friday, March 7 and 8, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

On your way to and from parent-teacher conferences, stop in to check out our new stuff!


Support Our Athletes: Volunteer at the Spirit Tent

From March 14-18, ISB will host a Baseball/Softball Tournament, with teams coming in from as far away as Japan and Doha, as well as our first Season 3 IASAS Event—Badminton Exchange. We will run the Booster Spirit Tent for two of the four days. Please help support all the athletes by signing up for a shift or two (or more) via this March 15 & 16 Spirit Tent link. 

The Booster Club can’t thank everyone enough for past and continued volunteering time at the Spirit Tent. Booster activities like this provide funding to support school-wide athletics, arts and activities. 

Calling all Thespians

Calling all Thespians – Panther Theatre is Back!  The Curtains Up organization, who has been helping us for the last year and a half, will be back and organizing an exciting program culminating in a performance.  We will have a 10 session program this semester and therefore the show will be slightly shorter than prior ones and will be held in a less formal venue but still with props and costumes.   There will be a younger group (PK-Grade 2) and older group (Grade 3-5).  All classes are on Fridays plus one Saturday rehearsal. Registration is now open and classes start March 15.  Please fill out a registration form at the CAO office and enclose with payment in the drop box.  See attached link for more detailed information.  You can also contact the following email with any questions


Learn more about ISB’s Curriculum, from the experts

Parent Workshop – Curriculum Development at ISB: Principles and Practices

Wednesday April 3, 2019
9:30am -11:00am in MPB 1

Curriculum is a very important part of schooling and a topic common to all educators but less so for parents. Teachers are writing, reviewing and adjusting curriculum on a daily basis in order to provide the best learning for their students. There is often a belief that the standards or resources are the curriculum but this is an inaccurate assumption. Our curriculum is multi-faceted and driven by the broader goals of our school to include ISB’s Vision and Mission, Definition of Learning, Attributes and Values.

Please join Dr. Elizabeth Rossini and Bronwyn Weale from ISB’s Learning Design Center (LD) for a discussion regarding curriculum development at ISB.


Elizabeth Rossini, PhD, Director of Curriculum and Professional Learning   

ISB Re-enrollment for 2019-2020

It is that time of year again when we need to ask you to please confirm the enrollment of your child/children for the next school year. This re-enrollment process is important for us to be able to make accurate assessments of our enrollment for the 2019/20 school year. We sincerely hope that your family will be returning to ISB.   

Our parents are the foundation of our school and it is with your trust and support that we can continue to serve the needs of all our learners.

In order to inform us of your intention to stay at or leave ISB next year, please login to your Powerschool account and choose the ‘Re-enrollment’ button on the left-hand side. Even if you are not sure of your future situation you are still required to register your intention via Powerschool.  Please select “not sure” and inform ISB of your reason. Seats will become limited at certain grade levels, therefore we urge you to stay in regular contact to ensure a seat is saved for your child/children.


If you have questions about this process, please contact

If you have technical difficulties or are unable to login to powerschool, please email

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


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