MS Single Page View

THANK YOU for Making IFF SO Great!

IFF 2019 was a smashing success and the PTA Board and IFF Committee would like to thank The ISB community for your amazing support!

Thank you to school administration, parents and staff who volunteered to work various shifts, to the amazing Building & Grounds crew, the community representatives, the parents that prepared all that fantastic food, and each and every guest who came to our event!

We try each year to organize an event that will delight the masses. We hope that each of our guests had a marvelous time and that you will come back next year to join the fun!

Please check our PTA Facebook page to see if you are a RAFFLE PRIZE WINNER!! We have lots of prizes in the Parent Lounge waiting to be claimed!


Repeat Announcement: MS Parent-Teacher Conference Sign Up

Dear MS parents, 

Now the Pick A Time system is open. Please follow this link to make an appointment. You may also see an icon to get to the link from PowerSchool. 

If you are new to the system please follow this link to see the instructions. 

MS Session Times are as follows:

Thursday 7th March:

7:10-9:10: Session 1

9:20-11:15: Session 2

12:30-2:30: Sessino 3

Friday 8th March:

7:10-9:10: Session 1

9:20-11:15: Session 2

12:30-2:00: Session 3

Please note the following regarding teacher attendance:

  • Counselor Karen Kinsella will only be available on Thursday, March 7.
  • Teachers who teach in both MS & HS will be in MS venue on Thursday and available in the HS venue on Friday.

If you have any problems regarding the log in please contact Khun Arintra :


Repeat Announcement: Call for Middle School Questions and Concerns 

by Middle School Coordinators, Kelly Kabat and Ferda Seyhan

The second semester MS Principal Forum will take place Tuesday, April 2 at 9 am in MPR 3. This is an opportunity for middle school parents to voice our questions, comments, suggestions or concerns for Mr. Harter and the MS administration to respond to them.

We welcome any of your written comments, questions and concerns, which will be put forward to the middle school administration on April 2. MS parents who would like to submit comments should email them to before the deadline of Monday, March 11.

Please note that comments not related to middle school will be forwarded to the related department and/or discussed in the PTA board meeting. All questions and comments will be anonymous in the report. Please don’t hesitate to direct any questions about this process or the forum to the MS PTA coordinators as well.

Thank you for your input!


Repeat Announcement: NBBL Scorekeeping/Timekeeping opportunity for students in Grades 7-12 

As we have in past years, NBBL (North Bangkok Basketball League) will hire Grade 7-12 students to be scorekeepers and timekeepers for NBBL games.

The games will take place on Friday evenings and Saturdays at the ISB gyms.  This is a great opportunity for Grade 7-12 students to earn their own money and learn the responsibility of a work situation.  The students will earn between THB 200 and 300 per game..  In order for the students to be eligible to work at these games, all students (including those who have been scorekeepers/timekeepers in the past) must register at

There is a MANDATORY training session for any student who did NOT work as a scorekeeper/timekeeper last season.  This training will take place either on Monday, February 25th at 7:00PM in the ES MPR room or on Monday, March 4th at 7:00PM in MPB Room # 1.  The sessions will last about an hour.  Students are only required to attend one of the sessions, but you MUST register in advance.  You can’t just show up without registering.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  As always, please consult our NBBL website at for information.   This is where we will post calendar information, schedules, team listings, etc.  


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