Counseling Center News

Kevin Callahan

Take some time to talk with your student about their course choices for next year.  Grade 12 choices for this year’s 11th graders are usually pretty straightforward; make sure that all graduation requirements are satisfied.  Grade 9 moving to 10 involves choices about P.E., science, and electives; students who read the course descriptions and ask questions of their teachers and counselors tend to be happier in their classes.  Grade 10 moving to 11 is the most complicated; attending the Grade 10 Course Information Session (both parents and students welcome) on Monday evening, 4 March, is a great way to get a lot of information in a short time.  Teachers will also be presenting information to students in class about the options available in their specific subject areas.

Sometimes we counselors “sound like a broken record” in saying that, with all the things going on here at ISB, students need to be very skillful in their time management in order to get everything done and keep their stress levels at a reasonable level.  This article from The Creativity Post gives 21 time management tips to help students maximize their time.  While it would likely be stressful to try to incorporate 21 time saving tips (!), take a look and see which ones could help your student to be more happy and productive in their work and play.

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