All School eNews-Elementary School Art Expo March 4 – 24

ISB Elementary School Art Expo March 4 – 24

Elementary Art welcomes you to our annual March Expo: “A Celebration of Learning.” The work on display will be in clay, collage, construction, sculpture, pastels, paint, printmaking, and more!

Every K-5 artist is exhibiting and looking forward to sharing their wonderful work. The Student Led Conferences on March 7 & 8 will be a wonderful opportunity for your child to show you their work and discuss the learning involved to create it!  The artwork will be displayed in the Chevron Theatre Foyer and ES Office. We hope you can make it.

ISB Parent Shuttle Service between Downtown and ISB – Starting Monday, March 4th

We are pleased to be trialling a shuttle service between ISB and downtown for our parents. On account of feedback received through the PTA from our parent community in town, we have chosen times which seem to work for the majority and one central stop of Emporium Suites, near the Phrom Phong BTS.

We will be assessing the frequency of use and also the convenience of the times over the next month, to determine the viability of this service.

At this stage, we are using a 13-seater van, as we do not anticipate large numbers to start with. There is no need to book, you can simply meet at the ISB Panther, or the Emporium Suites Lobby 5 minutes before the van departure time to join the shuttle.

Should you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email

Monday – Saturday (exclude public holidays and Professional Days – no school for students)

ISB To Emporium Suites  6.00am
Emporium Suites to ISB  8.00am
ISB To Emporium suites  2.00pm
Emporium Suites to ISB  4.00pm

Community Basketball (NBBL) – remains open for Registration

Dear ISB Community, 

NBBL Community Basketball registrations remain open for one more week with the late registration fee waived for those who sign up prior to Wednesday March 6.

The North Bangkok Basketball League (NBBL) runs at ISB from February 24 – May 18 with players coached by the professional coaching team at Top Flight Basketball Co. All information about the league can be viewed on the ISB website at Community Activities  – Basketball (NBBL).

ISB is also offering a reduced rate of 5,000 Baht to Minis (Pre K and Kindergarten). Those pre-registered will be sent a refund for the difference.

Please contact Kevin Sypolt if you have any questions –

Panther Paws Track and Field

Back by popular demand.

One of our favorite Community Activities, Panther Paws opens for registration today, March 1, 2019.

There is a maximum of 160 openings, so please register quickly as places will fill quickly on a first come first serve basis.

For more information and registration, please visit the webpage.

Panther Paws Track and Field is open to any child (ISB and non-ISB), Pre-K through Grade 5.

The meets will take place on Fridays  – April 26 and May 3, 10 and 24 from 5 – 6:30pm for Pre K  – 2 and 5 – 7pm for Grades 3 – 5.

(Participants must have turned 4 before September 1, 2018)

On May 24, the meet will culminate with a tug-of-war and BBQ (German sausage and lemonade) for each participant. Additional BBQ meals can be purchased for family members upon registration.

Cost – THB 1,100 which includes a t-shirt and BBQ.

As this is a community run activity, parents (not helpers) are asked to volunteer for each session.

For more information, please see the Panther Paws webpage or contact the Panther Paws team on

Kellie Alexander, Community Activities Coord.

Channels of Communication

From time to time parents have questions or concerns about their child’s learning or progress at school. Please know that at ISB we are all here to help and our team has a range of expertise as teachers, as counselors, as school psychologists and as administrators.

When a concern does arise, we ask that you reach out to us as soon as you can. There is no need to wait for parent conferences. Start with an email if necessary and set up an appointment to come in and talk to someone.

We always recommend working directly with the ISB adult most connected with your child or the area about which you have a concern.

If you have a question or concern about your child’s learning or anything classroom related, please contact the teacher(s) directly. Our teachers will be happy to meet with you, speak on the phone, or communicate by email. Teachers know your children the best and since they work most closely with your children they speak from a position of knowledge and can address any issues as soon as they arise. It also helps them know if your child has concerns they aren’t sharing. Our teachers welcome the opportunity to talk to you about  any concerns you may have. Teachers and parents alike, want students to be learning and successful.

If you have a broader concern about your child’s learning in general, or their social or emotional well-being, please contact your child’s counselor directly. Counselors are skilled at working with students to overcome challenges they may be facing, helping provide them with a listening ear and strategies to get started or make small steps. When conflicts arise between students, counselors can often work with children to find solutions to  the situation and help students feel heard and cared for. Counselors can also support academic struggles by contacting teachers and getting a bigger picture of a student’s learning experience. Counselors help students develop self-advocacy skills. Students are encouraged to see their counselor when something is bothering them. Parents may wish to contact the counselor if they have concerns about their child’s wider experience at school.

If you have a concern about the academic program, disciplinary issues, or your child’s safety, please contact one of the school division administrators. Administrators oversee the broader school curricular program, as well as handle all safety concerns and some student behavioral issues. When these issues arise, contact a school administrator right away

If you feel that a concern has not been sufficiently addressed, please approach a counselor or administrator, who will help direct you to the right person to address your concern or help facilitate a solution.

Debi CASKEY, Deputy Head of School for Learning

ISB Air Quality Seminar Review and Updates

Over the past few weeks, ISB has been monitoring the air quality  on campus through our outdoor pollutant sensor, as well as testing the indoor air quality in a number of learning spaces.

Outdoor Monitor
There were questions raised about why we were seeing variations in readings between different monitors. To ensure that our readings are valid and reliable, we worked with Stefan Berder from GAMS and Charlie Thomson from Environment Assured to account for these differences.

Firstly we would like to mention that the data on our website comparing ISB with Sukhumvit is based on the readings from similar model monitors which allows us to make reliable comparisons. Since we started collecting this data, we see that the PM2.5 in Nichada Thani is consistently lower than in downtown Bangkok.

With regards to the differences in readings between our outdoor monitor and other common monitors there is an expected difference in measurements due to the technology used and expected reliability of the units.  The outdoor air monitor located on our campus is a quality device and is expected to be reliable. This device has been benchmarked with five other monitoring devices and while the data is comparable, we have found that high humidity levels could have an impact on our readings. Going into the warm season, we want to be absolutely sure that we have the best equipment on the market and with guidance from GAMS, have therefore decided to purchase a Thermo Fisher 1500 ADR sensor.  Similarly to our existing monitor, it is self contained and designed to be outdoors and exposed to the elements. However, it is designed to be more robust in Thailand’s extreme weather conditions.

Elevation of the Outdoor Monitor
In regard to the placement of the monitors on our campus, there was only a minimal difference between PM2.5 readings when placed in lower, key traffic areas and in the elevated location. The elevated location, however, will reduce the possibility of unrelated contamination impacting the reading and the device. It is also protected from interference with network and power connections. The experts reaffirmed that the current location is the most suitable placement for our purpose of making activity-related decisions

Indoor Air Quality Testing
We currently have 8 individual air quality sensors distributed in many indoor areas in the school.  Each unit is capturing PM2.5, PM10, CO2, TVOC, temperature and humidity levels 24/7. The data is being compared to data collected by our outdoor monitor in order to determine reduction rates (how much lower it is inside in comparison to what it is outside) and to identify any unexpected changes that occur in our learning spaces over the course of a day.

Thus far, we have been able to see that PM 2.5 levels in classrooms are, on average, 40% lower than outdoors. Please keep in mind that this varies by learning space and we have only been testing for two weeks. The testing thus far has shown that PM2.5 levels vary between 3.2 and 16, few of these being over 10. Of course, PM2.5 levels outdoors have been lower than they were in previous months but our testing at this time is helping us to assess the next action to take inensuring PM2.5 levels remain continually low in our learning spaces throughout the year.

Indoor Air Purification Testing
As we are measuring air quality in our classrooms, we are also testing different types of in-room air purifiers. As expected, these units are showing detectable , yet minimal reductions. Major factors that are affecting these results are the large sizes of our classrooms, most of which are an average of 60-65 square meters, and students moving in and out of the classrooms multiple times during the day. Therefore in order for us to make significant improvements to the indoor air quality, we are going to evaluate alternative methods such as positive pressure systems. These systems filter outside air and blow it directly into the indoor space. Besides offering lower particle counts because of filtration, they also meant to lower CO2 and provide a generally better air quality. The positive pressure ensures that the risk of unfiltered outside air entering the room is limited which will keep the air quality stable.  We will be working with Environment Assured to test these systems in the next few weeks..

Spaces Ready to Go
ISB already has a number of spaces with positive pressure systems. These include:

Rajendra Gym
Elementary Indoor Gym
ES Hub and the Middle School/High School Library
Cultural Center
MPB 1, 2 and 3

We are currently working with the system providers to modify the air handling units so that we can improve their filtration capacity.

ISB Air Quality Seminar
On February 13th, ISB hosted an Air Quality Seminar, inviting varied speakers and experts to share information on the current situation in Greater Bangkok. Thank you to those that attended and sent questions during and prior to the event. The questions and answers are being added to our FAQ section on the website. Should you have missed the event, you can watch the video recording, which will be live on our website on by Monday here.

We want to thank our community for your continued input,shared resources and expertise that have allowed us to address this key concern and plan for even greater improvements in the future that will benefit our students and community.

Cyber Security for Kids: Presented by U.S. Embassy Bangkok

Please join this student and parent session on Cyber Security, which will be presented by the U.S. Embassy Bangkok at ISB. 

It will be based on the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. campaign put out by the US Department of Homeland Security. More information will be provided next week.

March 13th
6:30pm – 7:00pm Kids Presentation
7:00pm – 7:30pm Parents Presentation
Literary Lounge, Middle School/High School Library

Some key topics covered will be on mobile phones, video games, and social media.

Advertising in Mini Calendar 2019/2020 with High School Service Fund Club

Please help support our High School Service Clubs by advertising in next years “ISB MINI” calendar! The High School Service Fun Club, is a service club that provides funding to other ISB clubs through the provision of interest-free loans and grants. Their revenue comes from sponsorships of local businesses, who advertise in mini ISB calendars that we produce and distribute every year.

This year, they are looking to expand the number of businesses who sponsor or advertise in the calendar by reaching out to our ISB parents who may have home-based business and would like to advertise in the ISB mini calendar.

If you would like to help support some of the great work our students are doing and promote your business please contact Sajid Omar FAROOK, HS Student for more information.

Sajid Omar FAROOK, HS Student




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