Your Child’s Progress: Channels of Communication for Parents

From time to time parents have questions or concerns about their child’s learning or progress at school. Please know that at ISB we are all here to help and our team has a range of expertise as teachers, as counselors, as school psychologists and as administrators.

When a concern does arise, we ask that you reach out to us as soon as you can. There is no need to wait for parent conferences. Start with an email if necessary and set up an appointment to come in and talk to someone.

We always recommend working directly with the ISB adult most connected with your child or the area about which you have a concern.

If you have a question or concern about your child’s learning or anything classroom related, please contact the teacher(s) directly. Our teachers will be happy to meet with you, speak on the phone, or communicate by email. Teachers know your children the best and since they work most closely with your children they speak from a position of knowledge and can address any issues as soon as they arise. It also helps them know if your child has concerns they aren’t sharing. Our teachers welcome the opportunity to talk to you about  any concerns you may have. Teachers and parents alike, want students to be learning and successful.

If you have a broader concern about your child’s learning in general, or their social or emotional well-being, please contact your child’s counselor directly. Counselors are skilled at working with students to overcome challenges they may be facing, helping provide them with a listening ear and strategies to get started or make small steps. When conflicts arise between students, counselors can often work with children to find solutions to  the situation and help students feel heard and cared for. Counselors can also support academic struggles by contacting teachers and getting a bigger picture of a student’s learning experience. Counselors help students develop self-advocacy skills. Students are encouraged to see their counselor when something is bothering them. Parents may wish to contact the counselor if they have concerns about their child’s wider experience at school.

If you have a concern about the academic program, disciplinary issues, or your child’s safety, please contact one of the school division administrators. Administrators oversee the broader school curricular program, as well as handle all safety concerns and some student behavioral issues. When these issues arise, contact a school administrator right away

If you feel that a concern has not been sufficiently addressed, please approach a counselor or administrator, who will help direct you to the right person to address your concern or help facilitate a solution.

Debi CASKEY, Deputy Head of School for Learning



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