Advertising in Mini Calendar 2019/2020 with HS Service Fund Club

Please help support our High School Service Clubs by advertising in next years “ISB MINI” calendar! The High School Service Fun Club, is a service club that provides funding to other ISB clubs through the provision of interest-free loans and grants. Their revenue comes from sponsorships of local businesses, who advertise in mini ISB calendars that we produce and distribute every year.

This year, they are looking to expand the number of businesses who sponsor or advertise in the calendar by reaching out to our ISB parents who may have home-based business and would like to advertise in the ISB mini calendar.

If you would like to help support some of the great work our students are doing and promote your business please contact Sajid Omar FAROOK, HS Student for more information.

Sajid Omar FAROOK, HS Student

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