MS Parent-Teacher Conferences on March 7 & 8

In two weeks time, we will be hosting our semester 2 Middle School Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences in the gymnasium of the New Sports Complex, on March 7 & 8. Students do not attend classes on these days, but we strongly encourage them to attend the conferences with you. (Students do not have to wear school uniform.)

Parents sign up to join a 2 hour block session in the arena format and move to each teacher they want to see during that time. While the arena format gives parents great access to all teachers in one location, it does make it harder for lengthier conversations or discussion requiring more privacy. In either of these cases, we recommend setting up a separate appointment.

The online sign up for sessions will go out to parents on the morning Tuesday, February 26th, at 8:00 AM. Session numbers are limited by grade level to ensure that any one session doesn’t have wait times that prevent you from seeing someone.

Please be aware that ES Parent-Teacher Conferences also take place on the same days (their sign-ups also come out on Tuesday) and HS Parent-Teacher Conferences take place only on Friday (and do not require sign-ups).

MS Session Times are as follows:

  • 7:10-9:10: Session 1
  • 9:20-11:15: Session 2
  • 12:30-2:30: Sessino 3


  • 7:10-9:10: Session 1
  • 9:20-11:15: Session 2
  • 12:30-2:00: Session 3

Please note the following regarding teacher attendance:

  • Counselor Karen Kinsella will only be available on Thursday, March 7.
  • Teachers who teach in both MS & HS will be in MS venue on Thursday and available in the HS venue on Friday.

We look forward to having conversations with you about your child’s learning progress so far this year.


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