College Counselor News

Stephan Golas

Next Wednesday, February 27th, the College Counseling Office is excited to host another informative program for all high school families! This one is a second offering of the “Rankings Revealed” presentation we hosted last semester, which was standing room only due to its popularity. Our colleagues at Indiana University-Bloomington, the University of Minnesota, Rutgers University, and the University of Iowa will be returning to ISB to offer the program again to interested families who want to learn more about how university rankings are put together and how individual families can come up with their own set of rankings. In addition, they will do another interactive activity for students on how to reflect upon their identities as individuals and use that reflection as part of the university search process. Due to the program’s popularity last time, we will be moving venues and hosting it in the MPB1 after school, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. 

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