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High School Upcoming events (Please click):


Friday, February 22nd
Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

The long weekend was certainly welcomed and enjoyed by students and teachers after a busy and meaningful week on GCW. The short week was also well received here at school and allowed some time for everyone to get back into the swing of ‘regular’ school if there is such a thing.

We now look forward to our IASAS Cultural Conventions for our Musician, Singers, Artists, Dancers, Filmmakers, Technicians, Thespians, Debaters and Forensics students in a variety of locations starting next Thursday. The Black and Gold Assembly on Thursday was a great opportunity for the entire school body to wish the 80+ students all the best for their conventions and to see some of the wonderful creativity and artistry that our students possess.

We are hosting the Dance, Drama, Film and Tech convention here in Bangkok starting Thursday, February 28th and you are cordially invited to come along and to be part of the audience and enjoy the experience created by students from ISB and our 5 other IASAS schools. Please join us for a preview of some of the performances by joining us at the two Showcase events on Monday, February 25th at 3.30pm or at 5.30pm in the CCT. You will find more details later in the Enews.


Looking ahead
Justin Alexander

IB Basics Parent Presentation – Tuesday, February 26th @6.30pm

Gr 10 Course Information session (parents and students) – Monday, March 4th @6.30pm

HS Principals Forum – Wednesday, March 6th @9.30am

Parent-Teacher conferences – Friday, March 8th

Have a wonderful weekend and see you at the IFF!


IB Basics for Parents
Susan Canobie

An information session on the basics of the IB Diploma dated for Tuesday February 26th will at 6:30-7:30pm in MPB1. Please come and learn the basics of the IB Diploma Program and its assessment.


Grade 10 Course Selection Evening 

Susan Canobie

Monday 4th March 6:30pm Chevron/MPB

Please save the evening to come along with your grade 10 child to speak with grade 11 course teachers about the different options available in grade 11. The transition from grade 10 to 11 is the time when students have the most choice available about what courses they can study.  It can prove to be hard to make these choices and we hope that having the opportunity to talk to teachers will help that decision to be an informed one.  Please find a summary of the process of course selection and support that Grade 10 students have.

Please come along!


Important information for Grade 12
Susan Canobie

Grade 12 Exam Schedules, Mock exams and for May 2018

Grade 12 students will be undertaking Mock exams from Wednesday 6th March to Thursday 14th March, with the Arts students having a working session at specific times in the schedule.  The Mock exam schedule for students will be available on PowerSchool this coming week. Please note, morning exams begin at 7:30am and afternoon exams begin at 12:00pm, with the exception forWednesday March 6, where the session will begin at 8:00am.

Grade 12 students will all finish formal classes on Friday 26th April and start study leave the following week.  The official IB exams for ISB start on Friday 3rd May and go through to Thursday 23rd May.  There are IB exams on Thai holidays during this period.

All exams are in MPB with AM (mornings) starting at 7:30am and PM (afternoon) starting at 12noon.


Grade 8-11 Course Selection for 2018/19 Academic Year

Susan Canobie

More information will be coming out over the coming weeks leading up to online course registrations opening on Wednesday March 14th.  If you would like to look through the courses on offer with your son or daughter for next year updated information will be placed on the main website HS Academic courses page within the next week. Even if your family is leaving ISB next year we ask you to sign up because it assists students, counselors and administrators in this transition.


College Counselor News
Stephan Golas

Next Wednesday, February 27th, the College Counseling Office is excited to host another informative program for all high school families! This one is a second offering of the “Rankings Revealed” presentation we hosted last semester, which was standing room only due to its popularity. Our colleagues at Indiana University-Bloomington, the University of Minnesota, Rutgers University, and the University of Iowa will be returning to ISB to offer the program again to interested families who want to learn more about how university rankings are put together and how individual families can come up with their own set of rankings. In addition, they will do another interactive activity for students on how to reflect upon their identities as individuals and use that reflection as part of the university search process. Due to the program’s popularity last time, we will be moving venues and hosting it in the MPB1 after school, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. 

Counseling Center News
Jackie Valenzuela

We hope your student/s enjoyed their GCW experience and that your family had a relaxing long weekend.  Welcome back!

Parents of current Grade 10 Students

Over the next few weeks, current Grade 10 students and parents will be introduced to course options for next school year.  Please see the schedule below.  We hope, if you are a parent of a 10th grader, you can make it to the evening meetings.

Class of 2021 Course Selection & Registration Timeline:

February 25 – Course Selection Mtg w/ Counselors (students only)
February 26 – IB Basics (Evening) 6.30pm (parents and students)
February 26-28, March 1 – Teachers discuss G11/12 course options (students only)
March 4 – G10 Course Information Session & Department Fair (Evening) 6.30pm (parents and students)
March 8 – HS Parent Teacher Conferences (Daytime) – parents and students
March 11 & 12 – College counselors meet with their assigned G10 students (students only)
March 14-20 – Course registration for all high school students



CAS Deadline for Seniors

Becky Hansberry

The due date for seniors to complete their CAS and Community Service/PAR programs is Friday, March 1st. Students have been aware of this deadline all year and have had ongoing progress checks.  To be finished, each experience entered on Managebac should include evidence of the student’s participation, reflection on the chosen learning outcomes, and a supervisor review requested.  Students can refer to this tutorial or come see Becky Hansberry with questions.


NBBL Community Basketball
Kelli Alexander

NBBL Community Basketball registration for the 2019 closes today, Friday February 22.  

If you wish to inquire about the possibility of late registration please send an e-mail to Kevin Sypolt at A THB 1,000 late registration fee will be added to any late registrations permitted.



Anthony Giles

ISB to Host ADDTF CC February 28 through March 2, 2019

Please join the 163 IASAS Art, Dance, Drama, Tech, and Film Delegates for next weeks ISB hosting of the 2019 ADDTF Cultural Convention February 28 through March 2. Come see the seventeen drama, dance, and film presentations throughout the convention as well as the Visual Art Exhibition featuring 150 pieces of student artwork on display. More information can be found at the event website HERE including a detailed schedule. Hope to see you there but if you are unable to make it, please tune into the live streamed ISB presentations on Thursday, February 28 starting at 1:00pm and for the Visual Art Exhibition Opening again at 5:00pm.  Enjoy!




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