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Friday February 15th
Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Thank you for entrusting your children to us during Global Citizenship week. As you read this article many of our trips will have returned to Bangkok and I hope that you will have had a chance to chat to your children and to hear about their experiences and their thoughts on their particular GCW trip or experience.

There are many wonderful opportunities presented to our students during GCW week and this year I was fortunate enough to see many of our students (your children) in action over the past few days up in the Chiangmai region where four of our trips were based. Traveling with GCW supremo (and HS Dean of Students) Andy Vaughan we managed to meet up with four different student groups over the past few days. We ‘helped’ our Habitat for Humanity students build a house in the rural countryside, we stayed overnight at the Panya Project (a permaculture education center and commune) that was started more than 12 years ago by an ex ISB student, we visited our students volunteering and working at the Elephant Nature Park and then finally on Thursday afternoon we joined 13 students at the Lisu Lodge on their tea plantation visit followed by a sports afternoon at a local school where we donated a large amount of sports equipment to grateful students. Andy Vaughan was also able to spend some time on Tuesday in Udon Thani at the Rice Fields project who do wonderful work with the local community in many different ways.

In all instances, our students were respectful, happy and willing to help out, roll up their sleeves and be involved in the experiences and interactions at each location. Our teachers willingly spend their whole week supervising, supporting and looking after our students whilst working alongside them in various service activities and work and I thank them all from the bottom of my heart for the great work that they do.

Enjoy the long weekend and we look forward to hearing more stories about the wonderful experiences from all the trips in the weeks ahead. You can see some of the trip photos on our HS Instagram page and on the ISB Facebook page as well.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal


GCW Wrap Up
Andy Vaughan

It was such a valuable experience this week to visit five different trips across Northern Thailand and to see our students truly engaging in enriching these communities. Whether it be cooking meals for the elderly in Udon Thani, constructing a house for a family living north of Chiangmai, Caring for the land at Panya Project while living sustainably, shovelling Elephant poo at Elephant Nature Park or completing service at a small school in Northern Thailand, I was fortunate enough to witness our students ‘hands on’, making a difference. 

Behind these experiences and the many other great experiences that our High School engaged in this week, were hours of planning and preparation. I would like to thank all the teachers who put in their time as chaperones this week, many spending time away from their own families to look after our High School students. The care and concern I witnessed was just great. A special thanks to the many staff members working in the school who support GCW, in particular our nurses and safety team who ensure our trips run smoothly and safely. Special mention also needs to go to Khun Pat in the High School Office who does so much of the work behind the scenes, if you are near the HS office, please do drop by and thank her for the endless hours she puts into GCW.

I know some parents will be asking soon about GCW refunds, please note that the final balancing of budgets doesn’t take place until after March when all final payments are made. We expect courses that might receive a refund to have these refunds ready after Songkran. Parents will be contacted directly if there are any refunds and all courses receiving a refund will be announced in the Enews. 

I hope that your child has been challenged in this past week through their experiences with hands on service or in their exposure to a new culture. I firmly believe these experiences help our students become more globally minded and grow into caring young adults.

Enjoy your long weekend together as ISB shuts down for its semester two activity-free weekend.

Andy Vaughan
High School Dean of Students



Grade 10 ISA Testing
Susan Canobie

On the mornings of Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st February all Grade 10 students will be completing the International Schools Assessment (ISA) in Mathematical Literacy, Reading and Writing.  This assessment is conducted in grades 3, 5, 7 and 10 at ISB and the results are used to provide patterns in learning and assist in charting future direction. Students are expected to bring a pencil, black pen, eraser, ruler, sharpener and calculator to the test.  EAL students may also bring a translating dictionary for the Mathematics.  


IB Basics for Parents
Susan Canobie

An information session on the basics of the IB Diploma dated for Tuesday February 26th will at 6:30-7:30pm in MPB1. Please come and learn the basics of the IB Diploma Program and its assessment.



College Counselor News
Stephan Golas

Grade 11 students: We hope you had a wonderful GCW! As a reminder, please be sure to touch base with your parents to schedule your student-led Junior Conference for no later than the end of March.




Anthony Giles

BED AND BREAKFAST – THAT’S IT!!! DESPERATE FOR FAMILIES TO HOST 40/113 IASAS ADDTF CC DELEGATES – February 27 through Mach 3, 2019. As you know, IASAS events depend upon the goodwill and generosity of our ISB families to host visiting delegates and teams. This reciprocal exchange adds immense value to our programs and provides a unique opportunity to develop new friendships and strengthen connections across international communities. The IASAS Art, Dance, Drama, Tech, and Film Cultural Convention held Wednesday, February 27, 2019 and depart Sunday, March 3, 2019 is a huge event involving nearly one hundred and fifty delegates from all six IASAS schools. Please sign up HERE  immediately to host. As a reminder, all IASAS athletes and delegates are required to host at least once per season. Participants in supporting programs like MUN and FAD clubs, or Junior Varsity teams are also asked to help. Thank you in advance for opening up your homes to our IASAS guests. 

Anthony A. Giles
Director of Arts & Activities 
+66 (0)82 700 8903


Raising Multilinguals “How?”: A Followup Workshop

Avery Udagawa 

On Thursday, February 21, 2019, from 7:45 to 9:15 a.m. in the Literary Lounge, ISB will offer a workshop for parents from all divisions (ES, MS, HS) called Raising Multilinguals “How?”: Unlocking the World through Language-Rich Experiences. This new followup to our Raising Multilinguals workshop will address the question, “How can parents nurture native language besides speaking it with their children and enrolling them in classes?” 

This session will take place in the Literary Lounge inside the MS/HS Library. This is the glass-walled room to the left when you enter the Library’s main doors.

February 21 is International Mother (Native) Language Day, so please join us to celebrate! Parents of students in PreK through Grade 12 are welcome. For further information, please email:


NBBL Scorekeeping/Timekeeping opportunity for students in Grades 7-12

Kevin Sypolt

As we have in past years, NBBL (North Bangkok Basketball League) will hire Grade 7-12 students to be scorekeepers and timekeepers for NBBL games.

The games will take place on Friday evenings and Saturdays at the ISB gyms.  This is a great opportunity for Grade 7-12 students to earn their own money and learn the responsibility of a work situation.  The students will earn between THB 200 and 300 per game..  In order for the students to be eligible to work at these games, all students (including those who have been scorekeepers/timekeepers in the past) must register at

There is a MANDATORY training session for any student who did NOT work as a scorekeeper/timekeeper last season.  This training will take place either on Monday, February 25th at 7:00PM in the ES MPR room or on Monday, March 4th at 7:00PM in MPB Room # 1.  The sessions will last about an hour.  Students are only required to attend one of the sessions, but you MUST register in advance.  You can’t just show up without registering.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  As always, please consult our NBBL website at for information.   This is where we will post calendar information, schedules, team listings, etc.  

Kevin Sypolt


IASAS Art, Dance, Drama, Tech, & Film Showcase (Repeat)
Anthony Giles

IASAS Art, Dance, Drama, Tech, & Film Showcase – 3:30pm and 5:30pm Monday, February 25 in the CCT

Please join ISB’s forty IASAS ADDTF CC Delegates as they showcase their Art, Dance, Drama, Tech, & Film work on Monday, February 25 in the CCT. Performances start promptly at 3:30pm and 5:30pm with doors open fifteen minutes before each show. See all five elements before they go public on February 28! Admission is free so get there early for a good seat!!!

3:30 Showcase 1

Drama/Tech – Sleeping Beauty (45 min)
Art – Sneak Peek (10 min)
Film – The Icarus Paradox (5 min)
Dance/Tech – FLUX (20 min)

5:30 Showcase 2

Drama/Tech – Sleeping Beauty (45 min)
Art – Sneak Peek (10 min)
Film – The Icarus Paradox (5 min)
Dance/Tech – FLUX (20 min)


ISB Varsity Art Presents: SNEAK PREVIEW

See a preview of the twenty-five ISB visual art pieces before the IASAS CC Exhibition is open to the public at the Cultural Convention!



ISB Varsity Dance and Tech Presents: FLUX

You are invited to join the performers’ experience in treading at the edges of, as well as drowning within, pressure. “FLUX” explores the spectrum of pressure in both an abstract and literal sense, through a range of fleeting to overflowing, ultimately embodying and coexisting with the fluctuation of pressure. 


ISB Varsity Drama and Tech Presents: SLEEPING BEAUTY

Ogres? Strange forest creatures? Thorns that talk? What Sleeping Beauty is this?! This version of the fairy-tale classic, by Rufus Norris, tells the story through the eyes of the fairy that casts the spell in the first place, and then has to undo the mess she has created. It also answers that pressing question: what happens after the princess wakes up? What happens after the happily ever after? For questions about the show please contact Ms Harison-Denby at


Following a cryptic phone call, a teenager’s life spirals into disarray. 



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