Bangkok Air Quality This Week

There have been recent articles in some Bangkok newspapers predicting worsening pollution in the greater Bangkok area from Wednesday to Friday this week.

ISB continues to carefully monitor the air quality on our campus and will be following our Air Quality Guidelines to help ensure our students and community members are safe.

We do not know if school closures will happen in the future, but we remain in contact with the Ministry of Education and the Bangkok Governor’s Office so we are as prepared as possible. Should any closures occur again, our online learning platform is in place to help students continue their learning at home.

ISB considers the safety of its students and staff to be paramount and we will continue to adjust student activity as necessary, based on our regular examination of air pollution levels and our guidelines.

We will also continue to update and inform the community on the situation and to advise on actions and protective measures that can also be taken at home.

Please be reminded that we are hosting an Air Quality Seminar this Wednesday at ISB. You can register to join this here.


Dr. Andrew Davies

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