HS PTA meeting overview

Justin Alexander

A small but enthusiastic crowd joined the HS Admin team on Wednesday night for the February HS PTA meeting. Parents in attendance were able to find out ‘Why Arts and Activities matter’ with one of our MUN and debate students Sajid Farook speaking passionately about how the Arts, MUN and debate has shaped him as a person and inspired him in so many ways. We also watched a short video clip of Maggie Chao and Tana Martin perform their “Welcome to my World’ Poetry Slam which highlights/questions our dependence on phones and connectivity. I hope you take three minutes to watch their clip by clicking HERE.

In addition to these students, we heard from Jackie Valenzuela speak about the recent Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and Andy Vaughan share some statistics and perspectives on alcohol and drug use amongst High Schoolers here and in the US. You can see those stats and details and more from the meeting by clicking on HS PTA Presentation. The next HS parent gathering is the HS Principal’s forum on Wednesday March 6th at 9.30am.

Justin Alexander

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