Presentation from Amy Smith on Adolescents and Wellness

Justin Alexander

Adolescents and Wellness: Strategies to Support Your Teen

Wellness is a hot topic in schools across the world and personal wellness is a key factor in ensuring our students are prepared for their future. Research supports the need for strong wellness programs in schools across all grades. The presentation held on Tuesday, February 5th helped attendees understand some of the health and wellness needs of adolescents and how parents can support teenagers at home. You see the full presentation by clicking HERE

Amy Smith teaches Middle School Health at the Hong Kong International School and has a passion for curriculum that is current, relevant,  and adaptable. She has presented at conferences in Asia as well as SXSWedu and the SHAPE America National Conventions, and serves as the Education Editor for Choices, Scholastic’s health magazine for teens. You can find her online at and on twitter: @teaching_health.

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