ES e-News for February 8, 2019


The Book Fair is Back!

The ISB ES book fair will be back during ES Student Led Conferences on March 7 and 8.  Leading Bangkok books stores will be present including Asia Books, and Mambooks 53. Stop by the HUB or ES MPR. Thursday 7:00am-3:30pm and Friday 7:00 AM-2:30 PM.

ES Explore (ES After School Activities)
This Semester’s ES Explore program will begin on Monday, February 11h.

Confirmations of ES Explore placement are available online. Please log in to your child’s Powerschool page, click Activities (on the left Bar) and then you’ll be able to see the confirmed activities and the location.

ES ASA locations and availability will be posted daily outside the CAO (near the book store) as from Monday, February 11th.

There are still limited spaces available in some of our ES Explore. You can still register at the CAO but don’t delay! Remember, once the ES Explore schedule begins there are NO REFUNDS however, you may change your choice once it is before the third session.

Livnat Ziskinder
ES Explore Coordinator

ES PE Swimming 2019

Our swimming unit in PE is just around the corner.  We have a total of three sessions of swimming dates for Elementary School.  Please see the schedule for all swimming sessions.

Students will be participating in a swimming and water safety unit as part of the Elementary Physical Education (PE) Program.  This unit is designed to promote knowledge and skills in the areas of personal water safety, fundamental strokes, and simple water rescues.  There will be three swimming specialists along with Corry Day, ISB’s Aquatics Director, assisting the PE teacher with the swimming unit. We will also have a lifeguard on deck during every class.

The program is designed to help meet the needs of all of the students, and is based on the American Red Cross Learn to Swim program.  Students will be screened and placed in a level that is developmentally appropriate based upon his or her current swimming ability.

What to bring to PE:
Swimsuit, towel, and goggles clearly marked with the student’s name to every PE lesson.  Girls are requested to wear a one-piece swimsuit. UV (rash) protective shirts are permitted, but rash shirts need to be properly fitted, as loose rash shirts inhibit swimming efficiency.  Should a student forget to bring a swimsuit, towel, or goggles, a loaner will be provided to the student for the day and this will need to be returned at the end of class.

Students with long hair need to wear a swim cap or tie their hair back for each lesson. We encourage students to bring their own sunscreen if they so desire.

Because students will have an alternate PE lesson should the weather prevent them from swimming, they need to come in their normal PE attire to each lesson including athletic shoes and socks. Students may bring crocs or sandals in their swim bag should they choose to wear them after swimming class.

Swimming is a part of the ISB PE curriculum and full participation is expected.  Any student who is unable to participate in class must inform the PE teacher in writing or via e-mail.  If no notification is received prior to their PE class, they will be expected to participate.

If you or your child have any questions about the swimming unit please do not hesitate to contact your child’s PE teacher.

ES PE Team

2019 IFF volunteers
IFF 2019 needs your help! Attached please find the volunteer sign up for IFF 2019, parents and HS students are asked to please sign up for a shift to help the most fun event of the school year to be a big success. Come volunteer and be part of all the great fun! For further information or questions please contact Marla Groves at

ISB Steel Panthers win the Battle of Bangkok!

Two ISB Steel Panthers Teams got to the finals of the Battle in Bangkok VEX Robotics Competition. This means some of our Panthers are off to Kentucky for the World Championship!

Read more

(Repeat) ES Musical: “The Cat and The Rat: A Caribbean Folk Tale”
On February 12th and 13th, 142 Grade 5 students will head to the stage to enact a dramatization of the Caribbean Folk Tale, “The Cat and The Rat!” This is not to be missed! Students have contributed to editing the script, choreography and sound as well as working on the costume design, stage make-up and set design!

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL – There will be live music, that has been produced by our Grade 5 students who have carefully studied traditional Caribbean dance and Calypso music for a fully authentic and original production. There will be an interactive student exhibition in the Chevron Theatre relating to the French post-impressionist painter Henri Rousseau.

Do not miss this phenomenal drama production, which will prove to be an audio visual sensation!

Click HERE to find more details, including ticket sales dates and times.

(Repeat) ISB Holiday and Makha Bucha Day Holiday – No school for students on Feb 18 and 19  
Monday February 18th is ISB holiday and Tuesday February 19 is Makha Bucha Day. No school for students on both days. Classes will resume on Wednesday February 20th.  It will be a ‘A’ day.

(Repeat) ES Report Cards
Trimester 2 Report Cards will be ready to view or download through Powerschool on Friday February 22 at 2pm.  In Trimester 2, the ES report card measures learning in all areas. There are no comments given in Trimester 2.  The report card in Trimester 3 will contain both measures and comments from teachers.

You will need your log-in details for Powerschool to access your child’s report card.  If you experience difficulty, or you cannot remember your log-in details, please contact our Ed Tech department at

(Repeat) International School Assessment (ISA) for Grades 3, 5, 7, 10
Students in grades 3, 5, 7 and 10 will take the annual ISA assessment on February 20 and 21. The International School Assessment is designed to offer comparable assessment data for students in international schools.  The ISA assesses students in the three domains of Mathematical Literacy, Reading and Writing.

Information collected by ACER, who publishes ISA, regarding your child will be used only for the purpose of the ISA program. Any data identifying the student by name will only be provided to the school. ACER’s Privacy Policy may be found at the ACER website or you may obtain a copy by writing to the Privacy Officer, ACER, Private Bag 55, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia.

(Repeat) P.E. Celebration of Learning, February 14-15

Our ES Physical Education Celebration of Learning (COL) is coming soon.  This is a day in which students participate in a variety of activities showcasing their skills for you to see.

CLASS COLOR: On their COL day, your child needs to wear a t-shirt that corresponds to their class color with their PE shorts.  Additionally, please ensure that your child has athletic shoes and a water bottle.

We ask that parents do not participate in activities, as this is a time to celebrate the accomplishments of your child and to allow them the opportunity to demonstrate some of the skills they have been learning.  Please come out to support your child’s learning in PE by watching your child in action.

Thursday, February 14 (E Day) Schedule
Grade 5 – 7:45-10:00
Grade 1 – 10:15-11:35
Grade 3 – 12:40-2:20

Friday, February 15 (F Day) Schedule
Grade 4 – 7:45-10:00
Grade KG – 10:15-11:35
Grade 2 – 1:00-2:20

Please click here for more information regarding the AQI and the PE Celebration of Learning.  

(Repeat) Upcoming Student-Led ConferencesMarch 7 and 8
Our annual Student-Led conferences are coming up on March 7 and 8.   More information will come to you when we are closer to this date, but as a head’s up for new parents, there is no school on these dates for ES students.  However, students will be involved in their conference time on one of the two dates.

(Repeat) NBBL Community Basketball – Registration is now open
We have basketball leagues for boys and girls ages PK through Grade 12.  Registration is now open and will close on Friday, February 22nd at 4:00pm, so please register now.  Once teams are formed, it highly unlikely new players will be permitted to register, so register now to avoid disappointment!

Please go to the NBBL website here for the link to our registration system and for other important information.

The fee is THB 7,000 for all players (the fee will increase to THB 8,000 for any permitted late registrations). This fee will cover costs for a player jersey, Top Flight Academy coaches, referee and scorekeeper fees, ISB fees and photography expenses. Our fee is higher this season as we will use Top Flight Academy to exclusively provide coaches for all teams.

League assessments will take place on Sunday, February 24th at ISB gyms. Please make every effort to attend the assessment for your child’s grade level as this helps us form fair and balanced teams. Please see the website for assessment schedule.

Team practices will begin the week starting February 25th.  See the website for practice schedule and match schedule.

(Repeat) Panther Tennis – Pre-K Class

Come and join us to Pre-K class every Thursday starting from February 14.

While we give little players a chance to have fun hitting the balls, the main purpose of this class is to build Agility, Balance, and Coordination through variety of fun activities. Maximum players we can accept: 10 players.  Don’t miss this out!

Starting Date : Thursday February 14
Lesson dates : Every Thursday until April 11 (6 sessions, Feb 14,21,28, Mar 14,28, Apr 4 Make-up class : Apri 11)
Time : 13:30 – 14:00
Place : Court 8 & 9 (courts next to 50 m pool)  
Fee : 1,800 BHT

Registration Link :

– We have rackets available for your child to use during the Pre-K class.  Please come with regular sneakers.
– Parent/guardian is responsible for drop off and pick up your child at the class.  Please check our fb for rain cancellation.

(Repeat) IFF is coming up February 23, 2019 from 3-7:30 pm.
Our Raffle at IFF this year is poised to be one of the best ever! Lots of great prizes! Hotel stays, sporting events tickets, electronics, restaurant vouchers, and much more! Raffle pre-sales are already underway! To purchase your tickets, get in touch with your country rep or contact Natalie Cox at  For more information on IFF in general reach out to Marla Groves at

(Repeat) Community Activities at ISB  – Seeking Volunteers

Panther Paws Track and Field is one of the Community Activities that is most popular with ISB Elementary students.  It is an activity that runs through April and May with four Friday night sessions on April 26, May 3, May 10, May 24.

ISB is seeking parents who would like to be involved in a small committee who will run the Panther Paws Track and Field program for the coming years.  If you are interested in helping to run this Community Activity, please contact Kellie Alexander at

Similarly, if you have expertise or interest in any other community activity and would like to be involved, we would love to hear from you.

ISB Community Activities can be viewed here.

(Repeat) After School Supervision
Any elementary school student on campus outside of regular school hours, who is not participating in a school sponsored event, must be actively supervised by an adult in charge, appointed by the family. This includes being in the elementary Learning Hub (library).

eNews Guidelines
Shelley Bragg

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement

  • A title for your announcement
  • An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Director of Marketing and Communications for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

Calendar of Events
February 2019

Feb. 11 ES Explore Begins (ES After School Activities)
Feb. 12 ES Musical Performance “The Cat and The Rat: A Caribbean Folk Tale” 6:30 pm (Chevron)
  Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm (MPB3)
Feb. 13 ES Musical Performance “The Cat and The Rat: A Caribbean Folk Tale” 6:30 pm (Chevron)
Feb. 14 ES P.E Celebration of Learning

Grade 5 – 7:45-10:00

Grade 1 – 10:15-11:35

Grade 3 – 12:40-2:20

Feb. 15 ES P.E Celebration of Learning

Grade 4 – 7:45-10:00

Grade KG – 10:15-11:35

Grade 2 – 1:00-2:20

Feb. 18 ISB Holiday (No School)
Feb. 19 Makha Bucha: Professional Day (No School)
Feb. 20-21 ISA Assessment Gr. 3 and 5
Feb. 21 International Mother Language Day
Feb. 22 ES Report Card Goes Online
  PTA Lost & Found Display
Feb. 23 International Family Fair 3:30-7:30pm


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