High School Counselors News

Jackie Valenzuela

Grade 10 to 11 Course Selection

The transition from Grade 10 to 11 is the time when students have the greatest selection of courses to choose from.  You will find the Class of 2021 Course Selection and Registration Timeline below for your reference:

Class of 2021 Course Selection & Registration TimelineParents are encouraged to join the blue events.

January 24
Pathways Career Fair

January 31
Career Interest Profiler (Advisory)

February 7
G10 & G12 Student Mixer (Advisory)

February 25
Course Selection Mtg w/ Dean of Academics (Panther Block)

February 26
IB Basics For Parents (Evening) 6.30pm

February 26-29
Teachers discuss G11/12 course options (In Classes)

March 4
G10 Course Information Session & Department Fair (Evening) 6.30pm

March 8
HS Parent Teacher Conferences (Daytime)

March 11 & 12
College counselors meet with their assigned G10 students


Last week we included FCD Vaping Articles 1 and 2.  This eNews includes Articles 3 and 4.  Here is the link:

Vaping Articles 3 and 4

Wishing all of our students a fun and relaxing GCW experience!  

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