GCW is off!

Andy Vaughan

As our first students depart for their Global Citizenship Week today, please know that our sponsors will do their best to look after them, ensure their safety, and provide a fun learning environment. Part of that learning relies on the students taking on some independence and responsibility away from home, while in safe settings.  

For this reason, we ask that you let them go a little this week so they can fully immerse themselves in a new culture, habitat, and overall experience. In cases of emergency, please contact me (at any hour) and I will reach the group. Our students are off to wonderful experiences and will return with stories, memories, and a we hope will develop a new outlook on friends, themselves, and the world.

We have also asked our chaperones and students to disconnect from their phones (although some will use them as a camera). Some trips will be away from wife or mobile coverage so will also have extended periods of time with no contact. 

For those students in local (non-overnight) courses, please note that when students are back to school they will not be able to leave campus until 2.25pm as per a normal school day. Students will not be issued gate passes unless they have a documented medical appointment.  

Finally, as a reminder, please find here the link to the GCW Website Pages that guide you to each trips itinerary and information.

In the case of any family emergency in which you need to inform your child of any sensitive news, please find below my contact information below so we can coordinate and support this process if it were to occur: 

Email: andyv@isb.ac.th
Mobile:  +668 7514 9550
Work:  + 662 963 5800 ext.3304

We look forward to the stories from each of our trips and the many great memories that our students will carry with them.


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