Kevin Davy
From time to time students are going to need extra help or clarification in a subject. Students are encouraged first to see their teacher after school. Flex time is 2:25 – 3:20 and nearly all teachers are in their rooms readily available to assist students with their questions. Please encourage your son / daughter to take advantage of this time if they are having difficulties in a subject. Also available to all students is the learning hub were we have specialized teachers and assistants to assist our students. They can drop in anytime during the day.
In addition, we have a peer-tutoring program where students might be able to get individualized assistance from a peer who has volunteered their services. Students should drop by to see Mr. Callahan in the counseling office if they are interested in either getting help or helping others. Lastly, we do have a list of outside tutors, which is vetted through our administrative office. If a student needs tutorial beyond the above fore mentioned then your son/ daughter’s school counselor can be contacted for the most up to date version of tutors offering their services.
It’s been a fast-moving three weeks and students seem to be all settled in their second semester classes. Soon, in early February, they will be asked to think carefully about their course selections for the coming school year. We will take time to explain the different academic options for their years ahead. Hopefully with some careful thought and discussion, your sons and daughters will have the perfect fit of classes for next year and following.
More Information on Vaping
Several weeks ago Mr. Vaughan shared a letter and article to parents in regards to concerns with some of our students “vaping”. As a follow up in this and the next E-news we will share educational articles that are part of a 4 series email thread from Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD). We have put them into word document format here for easier reading: