TOUCHSTONE March Edition Announcement Request

Team Touchstone looks forward to your valued contributions for our Gastronomy and Travelogue section. This section is open to all ages / grade levels / parents / teachers alike. If you have enjoyed International cuisines and local cultures on your various travels or if you are interested in becoming a food and travel blogger, reach out to us and share your journey. Together we shall explore new horizons! The best entry will find pride of place in our forthcoming March 2019 edition.


Last date of submission: 15th Feb 2019

Word limit: 150 – 400 words sent as a word document

Pictures: minimum resolution 300 dpi / 9 kb sent as a separate attachment

Article Title / Author name / Grade level / Author photographs are mandatory

Please email your stories to Gunjan Mullick on /


Warm Regards,

Emi Tokai
Social Media / Brand Coordinator Touchstone

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