Urgent Message from ISB – School Closure Thursday and Friday

Dear ISB Community,  

The Ministry of Education has ordered schools in Bangkok and the Greater Bangkok area (including Nonthaburi) to close for the next two days (Thursday 31st January and Friday 1st February) due to concerns about rising pollution levels.

Pollution levels on campus at ISB are currently well within acceptable levels. However, we must comply with this directive and close school for Thursday and Friday.

Given that over 80 student athletes from IASAS schools are currently en route today to participate in IASAS tennis at ISB, we will continue with the IASAS tennis competition (Thursday through Saturday). As always with pollution levels and athletics, we will carefully monitor readings and, following our ISB guidelines, make any necessary adjustments.

However, all other events planned to take place on campus at ISB on Thursday and Friday (31st January to 1st February) will be cancelled as well as all school trips into Bangkok (for athletics, cultural and other learning events).


  • This afternoon’s activities will take place as it is too late to cancel them and make alternative transportation arrangements.
  • Any ES students must be accompanied by an adult supervisor appointed by the family in order to come on campus Thursday through Sunday.
  • At this stage, events scheduled to take place on Saturday and Sunday at ISB will take place.
  • Our assumption at the moment is that the Grade 8 trip to Chiang Mai scheduled for next week will take place.
  • In regards to BISAC events on Saturday, we will email those involved when we know more

Should anything change, we will notify our community via SMS, email, and our ISB website.

At this stage we will not be implementing our virtual school (online learning) provisions. However, if further closures take place we will communicate about home learning provisions at that time.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact any of us listed below:


Andrew Davies (Head of School): andrewd@isb.ac.th

Mark Hevland (Director of Risk Management) markh@isb.ac.th

Mark Jaspers (Associate Athletics Director) markj@isb.ac.th

Debi Caskey (Deputy Head of School for Learning) debic@isb.ac.th 

Usa Somboon (Head Mistress)  usomboon@isb.ac.th

Kind regards,

Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School
+66 81 8516277

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