There are still a few places left in the “Thursday Skilz” Football Club for K- Grade 1.

“Thursday Skillz” is a footballing opportunity to introduce a brand of coaching which aims to develop ball mastery. Mastering the ball includes building the capability to manipulate and manoeuvre the ball in any direction, at varying speeds, and by using any part of the foot or body.

Dates: February 7th  – May 2nd (10 classes)
Time: 2:35 – 3:35 pm
Venue: Field E
Dates are:
Feb 7, 14, 21, 28
March 14, 28
April 4, 11, 25
May 2nd
(no class on March 7, Parent conferences and March 21, Professional day  – No school)

Maximum of 14 players on a first come first served basis. (Numbers have been kept low to ensure that student to coach ratio is effective and time is used efficiently) 
3,000 baht. Please pay at the CAO office.

Only a few places left, so apologies in advance if you are put on a waiting list.
For more information  – Email David Speirs ( or Mark Jaspers (

About Tina

ES secretary
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