All School eNews-The ISB Invention Center hosts… Scrimmage in Siam this Saturday!

The ISB Invention Center hosts…SCRIMMAGE IN SIAM this Saturday!

The ISB Invention Center hosts…SCRIMMAGE IN SIAM Saturday, January 26, 2019

WHAT: Infinity – A HS Robotics Scrimmage where high school robotics teams battle to make it to the next round at the Battle in Bangkok, and ultimately to Worlds. 

WHERE: ISB Invention Center

WHEN: Open at 8:00am with matches from 9:00am to 12:00pm Saturday, January 26  


Anthony A. Giles, Director of Arts & Activities







The IASAS Cultural Conventions

The IASAS Cultural Conventions are almost upon us with the music team traveling to Singapore American School, Forensics and Debate off to Jakarta Intercultural School, and the Art.Dance.Drama.Tech.Film cohort hosting right here at ISB February 28 through March 2. Teams will be introduced at the upcoming Black and Gold IASAS CC assembly on February 21 with showcases for Forensics and Debate on February 4th and 5th, Music on February 6th and 7th, and Art.Dance.Drama.Tech.Film on February 25th. Look for announcements detailing the where and when soon and then come out and support the ninety-eight delegates and artists involved!!!


Anthony A. Giles, Director of Arts & Activities


ISB Community Choir, Choral Union, 2019 Spring Semester

Join Andy Marshall and Matt Enders on Wednesday, February 20th at 7:00pm as they lead the first rehearsal of the 2019 Spring semester for the ISB Community Choir, Choral Union. We invite all past Choral Union singers, as well as any new singers. This semester’s concert will be in middle/end of May (TBA).  Interested? Click here to sign up! 








IASAS Tennis @ ISB

ISB is gearing up to host what promises to be another classic IASAS Tennis Tournament, January 31-February 2. Join us for all the non-stop action, festivities, fun, and unrelenting, irrepressible displays of Panther Pride at ISB. This is our time to shine!

Check the IASAS TENNIS SCHEDULE and plan your time to cheer on our hard-working, talented players and teams. You can also follow all of the action via the tournament website, brought to you by the HS Tech Council:, and the live stream brought to you by the HS Broadcasting Club. 

For this tournament at ISB, we are able to offer an exclusive, unique, and unmatched experience for spectators, with on-court seating and a front row view to witness some of the most exciting tennis in SE Asia. Forget the Australian Open! Come sit courtside at IASAS!

An ISB team plays in every time slot throughout the day, so bring your family, tell your friends, plan your meals at our delicious vendors, and don’t forget to wear your Black & Gold spirit gear for IASAS Tennis 2019, hosted at ISB! This is one tournament you will not want to miss!


Derrick Quinet, Athletic Director

Air Pollution in Bangkok – Helpful Resources

Dear Parents,

Understandably, the rising pollution in Bangkok this season has sparked concern, discussions and many questions among ISB community members. We take the situation very seriously and the health and safety of our students and our community is our highest priority. We have been monitoring the pollution closely and have taken steps to ensure we have the best equipment in place and that our policies are thorough and in line with best practice and research.


We have taken a leading role in this area among schools in Bangkok and are fortunate to have many experienced staff on campus – and expert advisors – to address this issue. We are also fortunate to be less impacted than the inner city areas. This being said, the impact is not negligible and we have policies and procedures in place to ensure we can safeguard our students.


Helpful Resources

On our website, you will find a number of helpful resources that explain the guidelines that ISB has in place, the way our GAMS Air Monitor on campus works, and articles that discuss the specifics of particles and measurements in AQI readings, health impacts and the balance of physical activity versus prolonged exposure to Air Pollution, some Frequently Asked Questions and more.


Removal of the Air Visual App

This week we removed the Air Visual App because the reading is a misleading representation of the current conditions on campus and was causing confusion within the community when comparisons were made with our GAMS air quality monitor.


The desktop style Air Visual unit had to be installed in a location protected from the outdoor elements and covered.  This limited it’s access to the outdoor environment and shielded it from wind, rain, and sun.  Data provided to the public was a two-hour rolling average that only updated on the top of the hour. Importantly, the Air Visual monitor did not provide real-time data.


GAMS Unit and Placement

The GAMS unit, which we have placed by the 25m pool, is elevated to ensure accuracy. As explained by the GAMS team: “Proper outdoor PM2.5 monitoring needs to take into account several parameters to provide reliable data. One of this parameters is height of measurement. To avoid ground level dust and particles to impact the reliability of measurement, outdoor monitors are usually measuring between 3m and 7m from ground level.” Stefan Berder, CEO and Co-founder, GAMS.


Please refer to the information on our website for more information about the GAMS unit and our Air Quality Guidelines:



Updates to the ISB Air Quality Website

The ISB Air Quality website has also been updated to show a 1-hour average of PM2.5 and a 24 hour comparison to Sukhumvit. This will provide you with readily available and accurate information about the trends in the pollution levels in the local area.


A meeting for interested parents was held last Friday. Thank you to the parents that participated and offered your concerns and feedback. We will be hosting another open forum, with visiting experts, in February. The date will be announced soon.


We hope the information provided here will be helpful to you and address some key concerns. For any questions, please feel free to contact our Director of Risk Management, Mark Hevland.


Mark Hevland, Director of Risk Management
Dr Andrew Davies, Head of School


URGENT!!! More Host Families Needed for 113 IASAS ADDTF CC Delegates

URGENT!!! MORE HOST FAMILIES NEEDED FOR 113 IASAS ADDTF CC DELEGATES – February 27 through Mach 3, 2019: As you know, IASAS events depend upon the goodwill and generosity of our ISB families to host visiting delegates and teams. This reciprocal exchange adds immense value to our programs and provides a unique opportunity to develop new friendships and strengthen connections across international communities. The IASAS Art, Dance, Drama, Tech, and Film Cultural Convention held Wednesday, February 27, 2019 and depart Sunday, March 3, 2019 is a huge event involving nearly one hundred and fifty delegates from all six IASAS schools. Please sign up HERE  immediately to host. As a reminder, all IASAS athletes and delegates are required to host at least once per season. Participants in supporting programs like MUN and FAD clubs, or Junior Varsity teams are also asked to help. Thank you in advance for opening up your homes to our IASAS guests. (Mr A. Giles)



Save the Date for IFF 2019

Mark your calendars!  IFF is coming!  Your ISB PTA is bringing you the International Family Fair 2019!  International food booths, games, entertainment and fun for the whole family!  Get ready for the most fun event of the year at ISB!  For further information please contact Marla Groves.



Cardio Double Tennis @ ISB – Season 2 !!

This tennis program is for ISB parents, combining some tennis-specific conditioning with doubles strategies, along with playing games with the coaches. This is mainly a program for experienced players of various levels, not for beginners. The focus will be on playing doubles, including a variety of tactics and formations.

There will be an initial limit of 15 people, as the format will have three players with one coach on each court. The first 45 minutes will include warm-up exercises-movements, followed by a number of doubles drills. With only three players on each court with a coach, the drills move quickly as the players learn to execute various shots, while improving their conditioning also.

During the second half of each session, the three players will play doubles points/games with the coaches leading and instructing during the games. The coaches will play four games with each of the players as their partner, as the pairings switch after every four games. 

This program will be held on six Wednesday mornings on the following dates:

Feb. 6, 20; Mar. 6, 20; Apr. 3; May 1 (7:45 – 9:15am) at covered courts # 8 – 12.

(May 15 will be a make-up day in case of rainout)

Total Fee:  4,000 baht per person (600 baht per session, plus 400 CAO fee)

To sign up, please fill in your info at this link:

AND then make payment in the CAO office. First 15 to sign up and pay will be registered to participate.

We look forward to some great fun together on the courts!!

by Panther Tennis


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