College Counselor News

Andrew Weiser

Grade 11 College Night– Wednesday, January 16 at 6:30pm, Chevron

All 11th grader parents and students are expected to attend

PSAT 10-  ISB will offer Grade 10 students, free of charge, the opportunity to take the PSAT 10 on April 23, 2019.  The PSAT is an excellent practice tool for students preparing to take the SAT in Grade 11. 

Although the PSAT is excellent practice in preparation for the SAT, ISB understands not all students need the SAT for college entrance.  Therefore, the PSAT 10 will be optional (OPT IN) for Grade 10 students.   The OPT IN form was given to Grade 10 students on January 10.  This form will be due on February 1, 2019.  February 1 is a FIRM deadline because ISB needs to order the correct number of tests!  The form should be turned into the High School Counseling Office.

ISB suggests juniors take the SAT for the first time no earlier than December of their junior year. 

For more information about the PSAT and SAT, go to the College Board website at

Parent Presentation- “Sending Your Child to Study in the US: The Application Life Cycle and Financial Considerations”
January 15, 2019
11:45 – 12:30 PM
HS Large Conference Room

Please join Jackie Girard Vogl, Associate Vice President at State University of New York (SUNY) College at Plattsburgh, for a discussion about financing your child’s university education in the US.  A brief description of the application life cycle will set the stage for an in depth discussion about the financial considerations of higher education in the US.  Hear about the cost of attendance, financial aid and return on investment during this presentation.  

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