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MS Student Leadership Seminar #2

Our next student leadership seminar (Saturday, December 1 from 9:00-11:00 AM in the ES MPR) will focus on helping students understand EQ and the brain science behind emotions and feelings. At this seminar, students will have an opportunity to learn about EQ and apply strategies to strengthen their interpersonal skills through fun, interactive, holiday-themed activities.

Here’s a great EQ article that shares thinking and research. Please sign your child up for the December 1 seminar here. Please note: the sign up sheet will close at 3:00 PM on Thursday, November 29 so that we have time to collate the materials and the food order for the workshop.

Unfortunately, for planning and safety reasons, we will NOT be able to accept sign ups after 3:00 PM on Thursday, November 29 or walk-in participants on December 1. 


Considering how the middle school experience has changed

by Dennis Harter

Occasionally, we share articles in the eNews that we think are pertinent to supporting our MS students both at school and at home. This week a powerful post, by Benjamin Conlon, on the site “Wait until 8th,” titled Middle School Misfortunes Then and Now, One Teacher’s Take,” reminded us about how social media and ubiquitous smart phones has impacted the life of young people in school today. The article compares life for a grade 7 student in 2008 vs 2018 to highlight the challenges that our children face with cameras and social media around at all turns.

Brian has an iPhone too. He takes it out and opens the Instagram app. The Brian from 2008 was wondering about his position in the social hierarchy. The Brian from 2018 knows. He can see it right there on the screen.

It’s a worthwhile read to better understand our children’s experience. It’s also highlights one of the main reasons we do not allow MS students access to their smartphones during the school day. I hope that you read it and consider your own discussions with your children about balance, about how they use their phones, about the value they assign to what other people think, and about how they might treat others who may be hurt by social media posts.

Of note: The “Wait Until 8th” site advocates to wait until children are in grade 8 (or age 14), before they are provided with smart phones.


MS Band Concert – 6:30pm November 27 Chevron Theater 

Please join our MS band students as they perform their their annual Holiday Concert, ‘Deck the Holidays’.  The concert will feature students in the Beginning, Concert and Symphonic Bands. The concert takes place on Tuesday, November 27 in the Chevron Theater.  Performances will begin promptly at 6:30pm and end before 7:30pm.  Admission is free!


ISB Choir Concert – 6:30pm December 4 Chevron Theater 

Please join us at 6:30pm Monday, December 4 in the Chevron Theater for Songs of ISB: A night of music from around the world, featuring individual performances by the MS Choirs, High School Choirs, and Community Chorus, Choral Union. 

Admission is free!



ARTISTS UNDER THE STARS 2019 – December 13th

ARTISTS UNDER THE STARS 2019 6:00pm-8:00pm, December 13th marks the time and date for the annual HS Arts Council Artists Under the Stars event. Get ready for a cozy evening of awesome performances and a holiday themed snacks! All are welcome.



Habitat for Humanity Club – Christmas Cards Selling

Habitat for Humanity Club in high school is selling Christmas Cards that you can give to your friends and family. The cards represent a donation in the name of someone you would like to dedicate the card to. Your donation will help fund a Habitat Build in rural Thailand which will be attended by ISB students. Any donation will be a contribution to Habitat for Humanity Thailand. You can get the cards at the Booster Hut until December 3rd. Thank you for your generosity in helping us support our community! If you have any questions, please contact

We hope you will have a wonderful holiday!


Second Chance Bangkok – December 4th

Second Chance Bangkok will be selling their upcycled goods at ISB on Tuesday, December 4th, between 7:30-3:00 in the MPB.

Please stop by, do some shopping and support a worthy organization. Their products

are beautiful, fun and earth friendly.

Second Chance Bangkok is a local initiative, fair trade organization in the Klong Toey

Slum that uses donated clothing to create upcycled goods. They provide opportunities

for people who have experienced barriers to employment. They also finance projects

that support families in the slum.


From November 15 – December 4th we will be collecting donations for Second Chance

Bangkok. Please bring in gently used clothing, books, toys, etc. You can drop off

donations in the Grade 3 quad beginning November 15th.

Thanks for your support,

Grade 3



Today will be the last day for Black & Gold Ball ticket sales! Your PTA has been working hard to make this event a great success! This is a celebration of our community and the amazing things we accomplish together. It is guaranteed to be a fantastic night.  Join the party and help us raise money for 2 wonderful causes.Please visit the link and purchase your tickets right away!

If you wish to stay the night at the Renaissance after the ball, rooms can be booked at a discount rate. Please mention our event when booking to receive the discount. 



Repeat Announcement: Mid-Semester Teacher Comments on Student Progress

by Cindy Plantecoste, MS Dean of Academics

As part of our parent communication timeline, and in an effort to keep you up to date on your child’s learning, teacher comments related to your child’s progress are available on PowerSchool. These comments are an important component of our learning feedback system as they specifically address areas of strength, areas to target for growth, and specific strategies that your child can take to demonstrate further progress.  On Tuesday, November 20, your children did participating in a reflection and goal setting process based on the comments. We encourage you to review the comments and your child’s reflection together so that you can engage in a rich discussion around his/her learning.

Here is how you can access the comments:



Repeat Announcement: Advanced Photography Guest Speaker – 30 November



Repeat Announcement: Leaving ISB? 

If it is possible that you are leaving ISB after the first semester, please inform the counseling office as soon as possible. This allows us to process the proper paperwork for your child’s next school in a timely manner, ahead of the vacation. It is very difficult to get documents together once the vacation has started.


Repeat Announcement: ISB Novel Writing Challenge Coming Soon

Are you itching to get started on that BIG novel you have always wanted to write and wondering what happened to NaNoWriMo?
Wonder no more.

After considering student and parent feedback, we made the brave decision to re-brand NaNoWriMo and create our own writing challenge here at ISB.

Over the next few weeks we will be finalizing our new website ready to launch ISBNWC (International School Bangkok Novel Writing Challenge). We are partnering with the PTA to bring you a much more user friendly version.

We will be launching in January, ready for the BIG write in February.



Repeat Announcement: ISB Strings Bash 2018 

On November 29th, over 120 string musicians from 3rd-12th grade will join together for the annual Strings Bash. This event is a wonderful display of commitment, community, and musicianship. Come out to see the ES, MS, and HS String Orchestras under the direction of Adrianna Gricius, on Thursday, November 29th at 6:30pm in the Culture Center Theater. Free Admission.






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