Intercultural Week in the MS

By Dennis Harter

Building up to today’s recognition of ISB Intercultural Day, our Middle School has focused on cultural appreciation throughout the week. We started on Monday with an Intercultural Assembly, featuring student emcees taking us through examples of how we celebrate and appreciate, not only our own cultures, but so many that we learn about and enjoy. The Symphonic Band played songs from different cultures and speakers shared their own experiences with multiculturalism. 

Then, throughout the week, students shared their own cultures in advisory classes with their classmates. They learned about their friends and gained understanding about the diversity in our community. The week culminated today, with students wearing clothes or national dress that celebrated cultures they connected with (which weren’t always the nationality of their passports) and sharing food in their advisories from all around the world. Grade 8 students joined the ES Cultural classrooms as helpers during their advisories.

It’s been a terrific week that has both celebrated the many cultures of our community and fostered understanding and empathy. 

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