‘A funny thing happened to me on the way to the Forum’

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Thank you to the parents who joined us on Wednesday at the HS Principals’ Forum in the Literary Lounge to hear about some of the ‘hot topics’ in the High School at the moment. It was long but hopefully a helpful and an informative meeting for the parents who were in attendance. As promised all parents can view the slideshow of the meeting by clicking on this link.  At the forum, we addressed many of the questions that were brought to the HS Principals Forum committee over the past few weeks.

Items discussed included:

  • The consistency of grades across teachers

  • How the schedule is built to maximize student choice

  • Combination HL/SL classes

  • Information about careers and internships for students

  • Teacher Absences

  • Teacher evaluation process

  • Student survey results etc

I also asked parents in attendance to please do contact the school as issues, questions or concerns arise so that we can address them or clear up any misunderstandings or misconceptions. The carpark conversations about a problem or issue might be cathartic to the individual, but it is not likely to help find a solution to the problem or address the concern. Please do let your child’s teacher know about concerns as they arise or contact a counselor or HS administrator if it is a bigger concern or problem as we are all here to help support each and every one of our students.

We wish our traveling MUN team all the best with their conference this coming week in Manila and all the best with the IASAS Season 2 teams who will be traveling next weekend to compete at the IASAS Exchange events. For parents wanting to get a taste of the IASAS Exchange spirit, you will be able to come along and watch the second annual APAC/IASAS Swim event held on Friday, November 16th and Saturday, November 17th at our very own 50-meter pool.

Have a great weekend
Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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