ES eNews for November 9, 2018

ES Report Cards
Report cards are posted to PowerSchool at 3:00 pm Friday, Nov 9.  We formally report on student learning three times each year (November, February and June). Please look over the report with your child, discussing strengths, areas for growth and goals.  It is our aim that report cards are a spring-board for positive family conversations about learning. For any questions regarding Powerschool log-in, please contact helpdesk

Intercultural Day – next Friday!
The big day is coming!! ES Intercultural Day is just 1 week away. You won’t want to miss the lovely and moving Intercultural Assembly in the morning, or all the wonderful cultures on display throughout the day.

You are needed to support the cultural rooms!  If you have not yet raised your hand to help in an Intercultural Day room please contact us at We will connect you with Room Hosts who could use more support. Many hands make for lighter work- and more fun! If you are not committed to a cultural room, you will not be able to stay at school during the day. Please contact us at so we can find you a spot!

Intercultural Day is a ‘hands-on’ learning day to celebrate ISB’s rich intercultural diversity. Many of our ES classrooms are ‘transformed’ by parents into geographically themed rooms so that our students can celebrate different cultures, food, dress, language, music, and geography throughout the day.

A few details for parents:

  • Students are invited to wear t-shirts representing various cultures instead of their uniform or P.E. uniform in the week leading up to Intercultural Day.
  • On Intercultural Day (16th) students are welcome to dress in a way that represents a culture important to them.  
  • Intercultural Day begins with an Assembly. Parents are welcome to join the Assembly, as we are gathering in Rajendra Hall. Parents will need to be seated by 7:45AM SHARP – so that the Assembly can begin on time.

Supporting your Elementary Reader with Literacy Consultant Maggie Moon
Maggie Moon will be working with ES teachers during the week of November 19th. Maggie is currently the K-5 Literacy Liaison and Coach at The School at Columbia University. She has been a teacher and a Senior Staff Developer for The Reading and Writing Project, at Teachers College, Columbia University. In that capacity she worked closely with schools within NYC and across the US, as well as presented at Summer Institutes for many years. She also worked to implement the position of Literacy Coach in NYC, as well as train hundreds of Coaches across the NYC public school system. In between her two NYC lives, she lived in Southeast Asia for seven years, consulting with International Schools and presenting at conferences on Literacy and Coaching.

Maggie will be offering a Parent Engage around supporting our elementary readers on Thursday Nov. 22nd from 7:45 – 9:15 am in the ES MPR.  Please join us!

ES Explore (ES After School Activities)
Science class on Monday, November 12th is cancelled. There will be two makeup classes at the end of the semester.
Please note that Tuesday and Wednesday  ES Explore classes will have two more sessions (with exception of Parkour class that will have a makeup class on November 27th).

Monday, Thursday and Friday classes are still in session.

I am in the office daily from 2:00pm – 4:00pm if you have any questions or concerns.

Livnat Ziskinder
ES Explore Coordinator

PTA Parent Workshop – Introduction to Mindful Practices at ISB
Perhaps you’ve heard about mindful practices or mindfulness on social media, or perhaps your child has had some experience in the classroom with mindful practices – but you’re not quite sure what it’s all about!  Come join us for a brief parent workshop to learn more about mindful practices in education, and explore the skill of mindful parenting. Parents will have the opportunity to try mindful practices themselves, understand the research behind mindful practices in schools, and explore further opportunities to take mindfulness courses offered in the community.

Tuesday 20 November, 11:35- 12:15, MPB 2

All parents are welcome to this event!

ISB Strings Bash 2018
On November 29th, over 120 string musicians from 3rd-12th grade will join together for the annual Strings Bash. This event is a wonderful display of commitment, community, and musicianship. Come out to see the ES, MS, and HS String Orchestras under the direction of Adrianna Gricius, on Thursday, November 29th at 6:30pm in the Culture Center Theater. Free Admission.




Second Chance Bangkok sale in December
Second Chance Bangkok will be selling their upcycled goods at ISB on Tuesday, December 4th, between 9:30-3:00 in the MPB.
Please stop by, do some shopping and support a worthy organization. Their products are beautiful, fun and Earth friendly.

Please support a worthy cause and mark your calendars for Second Chance Bangkok’s Holiday Sale.
When:  Tuesday, December 4th between 9:30-3:00
Where: ISB – MPB
Why: Second Chance Bangkok is a local initiative, fair trade organization in the Klong Toey Slum that uses donated clothing to create upcycled goods. They provide opportunities for people who have experienced barriers to employment. They also finance projects that support families in the slum.

From November 15 – December 4th we will be collecting donations for Second Chance Bangkok. Please bring in gently used clothing, books, toys, etc. You can drop off donations in the Grade 3 quad beginning November 15th.

Many thanks for your support,
Grade 3  

ISBNWC (Novel Writing Challenge) Coming Soon
Are you itching to get started on that BIG novel you have always wanted to write and wondering “whatever happened to NaNoWriMo?”

Wonder no more…

After considering student and parent feedback, we made the brave decision to re-brand NaNoWriMo and create our own writing challenge here at ISB.

Over the next few weeks we will be finalizing our new website ready to launch ISBNWC (International School Bangkok Novel Writing Challenge). We are partnering with the PTA to bring you a much more user friendly version.

We will be launching in January, ready for the BIG write in February.


We need your help! ISB is hosting the second ever IASAS vs. APAC Swim Exchange next weekend, Nov. 16-17. This is an electric event featuring the top swimmers from international schools across Asia.

Friday night delivers a spirited team relay competition, as league schools are combined to follow a dual meet format.

If you are able to host TWO or more swimmers from our visiting IASAS schools, please sign up to host below. We can’t run these phenomenal events without our community support, and ISB is known for pour great hospitality. Sign up. join us, and be a part of this amazing event, next weekend at ISB.



BBSA Girls Minor Softball (G2-4): Call for Players
We still need more players to run this year’s girls minor softball.
Practice is on Tuesdays at 1700. Games are on Saturday mornings.
So if your 2nd through 4th grader is thinking about softball, please sign them up at this link.

If you need more information please contact Peter Lee (

(Updated) Mindstorms EV3 Open Robotics Challenge:
Come by the Invention Centre this Saturday Nov 10th to see the teams compete in the “Mind the Gap” at our first ‘Mindstorms Robotics Open Challenge’.

Students will be practicing from 9:00 – 10:00 and the competition will begin at 10:30.  Stop by any time! All are welcome!

(Repeat) BISAC U11 Soccer starts on Monday 12 November
You can register your child for the U11 Soccer season on this form.
Registration closes on Friday 9 November.

Practices will be on Monday and Thursday 2:35-3:35. Boys Practices will be on Albert Field, Girls practice will be on Reinsch Field.

Games will normally start at 3:30, but game days may vary.
The season ends on Saturday 2 February with the BISAC tournament.  
A more detailed game schedule will be sent out at the start of the season.

The information letter with permission form will be sent out on Friday 9 November, permission forms should be returned to the coach on the first practice.

For more information please contact Mr. Jaspers (

(Repeat) Leaving ISB at the End of the First Semester?
Parents of students who are not returning to ISB after Semester 1 need to notify the ES Office, K. Tina ( as soon as possible and fill out the Notice of Withdrawal from ISB Form to enable us to process school records for their next school.  Good-Bye groups for students will start the last week of November. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

(Repeat) After School Supervision
Any elementary school student on campus outside of regular school hours, who is not participating in a school sponsored event, must be actively supervised by an adult in charge, appointed by the family. This includes being in the elementary Learning Hub (library).

eNews Guidelines
Shelley Bragg

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement

  • A title for your announcement
  • An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Director of Marketing and Communications for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

Calendar of Events
November 2018

Nov. 16 ES Intercultural Day (Assembly 8:00 am Rajendra Hall)
Nov. 20 Board of Trustees (BOT) Meeting 6:00 pm (MPB 3)
Nov. 22 PTA Staff Appreciation Cookie Day
Nov 23 Black & Gold Day/Spirit Night


About Tina

ES secretary
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