More Information about the Black and Gold Ball!

Some parents are asking… on what does the ISB PTA spend money? And why do we want to raise more?

Your PTA has set some exciting goals for the 2018/2019 school year. The focus for our efforts this year is on connecting parents to school and to each other, on broadening our support of community ambitions and experiences, and raising the funds to make it all happen. We strongly believe that increasing parent involvement at school benefits the students as well as the parents!

We budget wisely each year, making sure there are enough funds to support ES, MS, and HS activities. We value Welcome Wai as it is so important to reach all parents and make them feel welcome and help them to be well-informed. Our Hospitality Team does a marvelous job of showing welcome and gratitude to all staff at school. Our Touchstone magazine is so special and unique and we are proud to produce this publication as well. Our grants are an excellent way to provide and enhance fantastic experiences to students throughout the school. 

There are MANY projects PTA will fund throughout the school this year:

Elementary School

  • Intercultural Day
  • NaNoWriMo
  • Author Visit
  • Parent Engage Sessions

Middle School

  • Meetings and Principal Forums
  • MS Socials
  • MS Olympics
  • Grade 8 Graduation

High School

  • PTA Meetings
  • Shark Tank
  • HS Graduation Gifts
  • Special Olympics Funds

Whole School

  • Welcome Wai Events
  • Staff Appreciation Cookie Day
  • Staff Appreciation Luncheon
  • Touchstone Magazine
  • Orientation Luncheons
  • Community Representative Socials
  • Stocking the Parent Welcome Room with Coffee and Tea

We have also budgeted 500,000 baht for PTA grants. Teachers, students, and parents are always thinking of new ways to make our excellent school event better. So far this year, we have funded the Jeff Ross Artist-in-Residency, and there are more grant requests on the way.

We spend funds on a large variety of ideas and events, hoping to enhance the ISB experience in every way that we can. A constant goal for us is to keep growing and to be able, year after year, to provide services to our school community that connect, inform, support, and enhance. The projects and experiences we support will benefit children far beyond our own. If we are raising leaders, children who grow and influence the lives of others in positive ways, then it is so very worth our time and gifts to be a contributing part of the PTA.

This year we have added the Black & Gold Ball to our calendar of events to bring something new, to offer a chance to have a great time together, and to celebrate being a part of something wonderful. We are pleased to share this fundraising effort with After the Wave. ATW is ISB’s foundation for helping children in poverty rise above, and receive an education. 250,000 baht has been pledged specifically to the Nongyaprong Village children to assist them with their education, despite the struggles they face. PTA is very proud to have this opportunity to share with the children of Nongyaprong.

We hope to see you on December 7th!

Katie Edsall

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