Moustaches for Men’s Health Awareness in November

by Dennis Harter
MS Principal

If you find yourself on campus this month, you may notice an unusual trend of moustache growing amongst some of the male teachers of ISB. That’s because it’s “MO-vember” – a global movement to promote awareness around men’s health issues through the noticeable and conversation-starting growing of moustaches.

Unfortunately, data and experience shows that men rarely talk about or seek information or support for physical or mental health issues. Our goal in growing the moustaches is to bring shed light on this and model that talking about our health is both smart and better for our well-being.

Consider this worrisome fact:

70% of men say their friends can rely on them for support, but only 48% say that they rely on their friends. In other words: we’re here for our friends, but worried about asking for help for ourselves. Reaching out is crucial.

You are certainly invited to join us by growing a moustache yourself. Be assured, that mine will look as bad as anyone’s!

Even if you don’t “grow the mo’,” we hope that you will support encouraging the positives of open communication – let’s get rid of the stigma associated with men talking about mental or physical health issues. We can model for our young people what care and community and healthy conversation could look like. 

And whatever your involvement, be on the look out for some impressive moustaches! They’ll be hard to miss!

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