Derrick Quinet

This year we will hold season two VARSITY TRYOUTS ONLY, from October 29-31, 2018. Only HS students can tryout for the varsity teams Oct. 29-31. 

Junior Varsity tryouts for season two will resume on Tuesday, November 6 for any HS student not selected for varsity and for aspiring 8th grade athletes. 

During the season two VARSITY tryout week, here are the expectations for students  who are also playing on a Season One JV or U15 team:

– S2 tryouts take priority over S1 JV/U15  on Oct. 29 and Oct. 30. *There will be no scheduled U15 practice on Mon., Oct. 29 or JV practice on Tues., Oct. 30. Athletes must attend the first two days of tryouts to be considered for varsity. 

– JV/U15 takes priority over S2 Varsity practices/tryouts from Wednesday, Oct. 31- Sunday, Nov. 4. All season one athletes are expected to be at their U15/JV practices from Wednesday through the end of season tournament.

– Season Two JV Tryouts will resume for HS/8th grade students on Tues., Nov. 6.

Season Two Varsity Sports / Tryout Venues, 3:15pm-5pm:

Boys Rugby – Field A
Girls Touch – Albert Field
Boys & Girls Swimming – 50m Pool
Boys & Girls Tennis – Courts 1-7
Boys Basketball – Rajendra
Girls Basketball – Sports Complex

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