‘Commitment and Courage’

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

The Black and Gold assembly on Tuesday was a great opportunity for the High School to come together to wish our traveling athletic teams all the best as they headed off for their end of season IASAS tournaments. We also used this assembly to help promote one of our Learning Attributes (Value Driven) and in particular the values of commitment and courage. Our sporting teams personify these values and their successes this season are due in part to their commitment, drive, and courage both on and off the field. Another concrete example of courage and commitment in action at ISB was the unbelievable efforts of Andy Vaughan (Dean of Students) and Dan Bentley (HS math teacher) who along with an ES ISB Parent (Dale Jamieson) competed last week in the World Ironman Championships in Kona, Hawaii.

Our Volleyball and Cross Country teams have traveled to Kuala Lumpur for their competitions whilst the Football teams are currently in Singapore for their tournament. You can follow the action via the live stream links listed below:

Soccer @ SAS – Livestream, Schedule, Results & Photos


Volleyball & XC @ ISKL – Livestream, Schedule, Results & Photos


Enjoy the October break and we look forward to seeing you all after the break.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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