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High School Upcoming events (Please click):




‘Commitment and Courage’
Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

The Black and Gold assembly on Tuesday was a great opportunity for the High School to come together to wish our traveling athletic teams all the best as they headed off for their end of season IASAS tournaments. We also used this assembly to help promote one of our Learning Attributes (Value Driven) and in particular the values of commitment and courage. Our sporting teams personify these values and their successes this season are due in part to their commitment, drive, and courage both on and off the field. Another concrete example of courage and commitment in action at ISB was the unbelievable efforts of Andy Vaughan (Dean of Students) and Dan Bentley (HS math teacher) who along with an ES ISB Parent (Dale Jamieson) competed last week in the World Ironman Championships in Kona, Hawaii.

Our Volleyball and Cross Country teams have traveled to Kuala Lumpur for their competitions whilst the Football teams are currently in Singapore for their tournament. You can follow the action via the live stream links listed below:

Soccer @ SAS – Livestream, Schedule, Results & Photos

Volleyball & XC @ ISKL – Livestream, Schedule, Results & Photos

Enjoy the October break and we look forward to seeing you all after the break.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal



Vapes and E-Cigarettes
Andy Vaughan

In reviewing recent research, we know that there is a rise in the use of Vapes and E-Cigarettes in youth around the world. At ISB this week we have dealt with an instance of students in possession of these devices, which has resulted in disciplinary outcomes.

Although there is no long term data on the effects of Vaping and E-cigarettes, the emerging research highlights some serious health issues. There is no regulation on these devices and their content. Most contain nicotine, amongst other substances to create the ‘rush’ and lead to addiction. The advertising around these devices is largely targeted directly at youth. Parents need to be aware that much of this advertising is online in social media forums. These devices can be purchased and delivered to home addresses in Bangkok.

It is important for students and parents to understand that these devices are illegal in Thailand and are banned from ISB.  Any student in possession of, or using a device at school will face a suspension.

Last week, ISB was visited by Ian Barney from Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD). Ian presented to most of the High School students about making sensible decisions related to drug use. One of his key foci in these presentations was directly around the use of Vapes and E-Cigarettes. With some of the recent behaviors we have seen we believe it is important to resend last week’s article sent by our School Counseling team as a follow up to our FCD visit, which includes further information regarding Vaping and e-cigarettes.

Andy Vaughan
High School Dean of Students

Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD) Visit (From the HS Enews 12 October)

This week we had a visit from FCD. This group is the leading international provider of school-based substance abuse prevention programs.  FCD works worldwide to provide students and the adults who care for them with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to make intelligent and healthy choices about alcohol, tobacco and other drug use.

During his time at ISB, our guest speaker (Ian Barney), met with all the 9th graders in Freshman Seminar, presented to all the 11/12 graders, had open walk in sessions and gave a parent presentation. Drug and Alcohol education is delivered to our 10th graders through our health class. Ian connected very well with the students. The students gave very positive feedback about his message and the information provided.

Below is the presentation that Ian gave to our parents along with a great fact sheet. The presentation provides some reliable resources and websites to extend your knowledge in this area.

FCD Parent Presentation

FCD Fact Sheet



GCW Permission forms, Payments and Passports 
Andy Vaughan

On Tuesday of this week your child met in their first GCW meeting. At this meeting permission forms were handed out for all trips. If your child has not brought this home, this is now also accessible to parents on PowerSchool via your parent log-in. 

Payment details were also sent home via email earlier in the week. For payment, we are able to offer the following options:

  1. Payment via Krungsri Bank via the pre-filled in payment slip that was emailed to parents
  2. Payment at the ISB cashier in Baht or via Visa (please note there is an extra charge for credit)
  3. Online via Paypal (please note there is an extra charge for credit)

For businesses that require a letter of support for reimbursement of GCW costs, please email Khun Patarin directly ( and this will be prepared.

All overnight courses need a submission of your child’s passport, which must to be turned in via the link provided in your child’s confirmation email.

Please note that all Payments, Permission Forms and Passports need to be turned in by November 9 at the the latest.

For any questions regarding GCW, please direct these to either Khun Pat or Andy Vaughan (

Andy Vaughan
High School Dean of Students
M: +668 7514 9550


Grade 12 IB Predicted Grades
Susan Canobie

Year 2 IB Predicted Grades have been uploaded onto PowerSchool in the a Report on the Quicklookup.  IB Predicted Grades are an estimate of student performance in their IB subjects and may change as teachers gather more evidence.  The next update for IB Predicted Grades is January 11.  If you have any questions regarding these Predicted Grades, please communicate directly with the teacher.


Overall Grade-to-date
Susan Canobie

Teachers will update PowerSchool on Friday November 2 with a Grade-to-date and HAL Grade for all students.  This Grade-to-date is based on the ‘body of evidence’ of student work completed so far, with teachers using the Grade Descriptors and their professional judgement.  For your reference, the Grade Descriptors can be found inside the back cover of the Student Daily Planner.


College Counselors News
Stephan Golas

As a follow-up to last week’s e-News, we are pleased to confirm the special presentation on The Liberal Arts and Sciences on Monday, October 29th, at 10:55am in MPB3. We encourage all parents interested in learning more about what the liberal arts and sciences can offer – intellectually and professionally – to attend. As a preview, attached is a presentation Mr. Golas gave to several G11 students on October 4th during the G11 and G12 College Day. 



High School Counseling Newsletter
Kevin Davy
In speaking with many students there seems a large array of plans for the break. We sincerely hope  that students and families can find some quality time where they can truly have a break from the norm. See if you find some of these comments in your conversations over the break:



Thai University Fair
Andrew Weiser

Thai University Fair – On Friday, November 2.  ISB will host 22 Thai Universities in the MPB 2&3 from 10:55 – 11:35.  Come learn more about the exciting opportunities in higher education here in Thailand!!



Intercultural Day is coming! 
Becky Hansberry

Represent a culture either as a club, a group of friends, or individually at the Intercultural Assembly on November 13th or at the 2ndAnnual Intercultural Lunch Fest on November 16th.  The Intercultural Lunch Fest is a great fundraising opportunity for student groups to sell food, host a craft, or organize a game to celebrate and promote a culture. Sign up by November 1st! 

Link to assembly sign up, 13th November (performances only!)

Link to lunchtime sign up, 16th November (fundraising activities)


Book Donation to Kindergarteners at KlongKlua School
Becky Hansberry

Thai Club will be collecting books to donate to kindergarteners at KlongKlua school. If you have any books at home that you don’t read anymore and are willing to donate, we would really appreciate it if you could stop by and drop them off! As these books will be donated for the kindergarteners to read, it would be great if they are elementary school level (they can be in both Thai and English). There will be a book donation box out in the HS and MS office from Monday Oct 29th to Friday Nov 9!



Derrick Quinet

This year we will hold season two VARSITY TRYOUTS ONLY, from October 29-31, 2018. Only HS students can tryout for the varsity teams Oct. 29-31. 

Junior Varsity tryouts for season two will resume on Tuesday, November 6 for any HS student not selected for varsity and for aspiring 8th grade athletes. 

During the season two VARSITY tryout week, here are the expectations for students  who are also playing on a Season One JV or U15 team:

– S2 tryouts take priority over S1 JV/U15  on Oct. 29 and Oct. 30. *There will be no scheduled U15 practice on Mon., Oct. 29 or JV practice on Tues., Oct. 30. Athletes must attend the first two days of tryouts to be considered for varsity. 

– JV/U15 takes priority over S2 Varsity practices/tryouts from Wednesday, Oct. 31- Sunday, Nov. 4. All season one athletes are expected to be at their U15/JV practices from Wednesday through the end of season tournament.

– Season Two JV Tryouts will resume for HS/8th grade students on Tues., Nov. 6.

Season Two Varsity Sports / Tryout Venues, 3:15pm-5pm:

Boys Rugby – Field A

Girls Touch – Albert Field

Boys & Girls Swimming – 50m Pool

Boys & Girls Tennis – Courts 1-7

Boys Basketball – Rajendra

Girls Basketball – Sports Complex



Derrick Quinet

ISB’s varsity teams travel next week to Malaysia and Singapore their season ending championships. ISKL hosts the volleyball and cross country events, while SAS hosts the IASAS soccer tournament.

You can watch all the IASAS games live, from the comfort of your workplace or home.  Follow the links at to find the tournament website and streaming link. Check out the tournament schedule below to see when ISB is playing.

IASAS Soccer Schedule

IASAS Volleyball/XC Schedule


Derrick Quinet

The season one varsity/JV Sports Banquet will be held on Thursday, Nov. 8. All season one JV/varsity athletes are required to attend, and their meal is provided by the ISB Booster Club. Tickets for parents/siblings are on sale now in the ISB Athletics Office. Tickets are 500THB adults, 200THB students. 

You can nominate for the Spirit of ISB Award now. This award is sponsored by the ISB Booster Club and is presented at the Season One JV/Varsity Sports Banquet on Nov. 8.

Go Panthers! 


Jeff Ross Artwork Unveiling
Anthony Giles

Jeff Ross Artwork Unveiling – 11:00am Tuesday, October 30 in the Main Library You may have seen him working with students, teachers, and parents in the ES, MS, and HS visual art studios throughout the month of October. Or maybe you watched him painting the four giant panels in the cafeteria pit a couple weeks ago and were curious about what he was doing. Either way please join our Visual Arts Teachers and Students in the main library at 11:00am on Tuesday, October 30 to honor Artist-in Residence, Jeff Ross, and the unveiling of the artwork he created especially for ISB!!! Come help celebrate how this department is enriching our community through creative thoughts and actions. 


Organize your friends and purchase tickets now for our ISB PTA Black & Gold Ball.
PTA President

Please join us and allow us to entertain you for the evening, while benefiting 2 wonderful causes. The dinner, the music, the prizes and the company… all will make for an excellent event that you do not want to miss! Don’t miss it!

Parent and Toddler social at Bangkok Funarium
Jenna Deacon-Potter

PTA Welcome Wai  would like to invite  ISB parents with toddlers to a very special downtown event. On Thursday 8th November we will be sponsoring a trip to Bangkok Funarium. This event will provide ISB parents and their toddlers with an opportunity to come together, network and play in an environment which ensures lots of fun for the smallest members of the family. There is no charge for this excursion – buses, entrance tickets and refreshments will be provided by the PTA and ISB.  Please note that places are limited to 30 toddlers and an accompanying parent.

The Funarium play session will run from 9.30 – 11.00am. Free mini buses will leave ISB at 8.15am and downtown parents will have the option of either meeting at Funarium or using a bus that will be provided from Emporium.  

If you would like to sign up for this free parent and toddler session, please follow the link to the google doc and complete all the fields by 28th October 2018 . Please note that this is an ISB  parent event so all adults must be a parent of a child already at ISB.  All children must be accompanied by a parent.


eNewsletter Guidelines
Shelley Bragg

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.



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