Take Away? เอากลับบ้าน?

We’ve launched disposable boxes/bowls and cutlery sets in the ISB cafeteria. This will allow you to take your favourite Epicure meals home or beyond the cafeteria.

When purchasing food in the Middle School and High School cafeteria, many staff members, parents and students at ISB take their lunch from the cafeteria to enjoy it in their classrooms or in common areas around campus. This is one of the many benefits that comes with ISB’s open and beautiful campus – many great breakfast and lunch spots! However, this practice makes it very hard for Epicure and our ISB Building and Grounds staff to locate and return all the plates, bowls, cups and cutlery to its rightful place. The cafeteria loses roughly 4000 pieces of cutlery out of the cafeteria each year on account of this. These กลับบ้าน (take away) meals also create unnecessary waste around campus.

Starting October 1st, ISB and Epicure introduced biodegradable plate/box takeaway sets (including cutlery) in an attempt to reduce these concerns, and other sanitary issues generated when food is taken away from the main cafeteria. The cost per set is Baht 15 and they can be requested as you order your food at the counter, when you grab your salad from the salad bar, or will be found at the checkouts.

There will be designated areas where cafeteria plastic plates and cutlery are allowed: in the main cafeteria, the staff room by the main cafeteria and the outdoor seatings areas between the cafeteria and Field D. The Grind will also be providing the Green Panther Green cups in these areas, and for take aways you will receive the plant-based plastic cups. (The plastic plates will continue to be used in the Elementary Cafeteria, where takeaway is not an option.)

In order to put our food waste to good, sustainable use, there will also be designated, red trash bins for the disposables and any food remaining in them, which will be taken daily off campus for composting.

You can also be the ultimate environmentalist and bring your own takeaway containers and avoid the cost while further protecting the environment.  

Thank you for helping us to reduce our overall waste, be more efficient with our resources and keep our campus clean.


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