High School Counseling Newsletter

Kevin Davy

Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD) Visit

This week we had a visit from FCD. This group is the leading international provider of school-based substance abuse prevention programs.  FCD works worldwide to provide students and the adults who care for them with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to make intelligent and healthy choices about alcohol, tobacco and other drug use.

Over the couple of days they had at ISB our guest speaker (Ian Barney) met with all the 9th graders in Freshman Seminar, presented to all the 11/12 graders, had open walk in sessions and gave a parent presentation. Drug and Alcohol education is delivered to our 10th graders through our health class. Ian connected very well with the students; the students gave very positive feedback of his message and the information provided.

Below is the presentation that Ian gave to our parents, along with a great fact sheet. The presentation provides some reliable resources and websites to extend your knowledge in this area.

FCD Parent Presentation

FCD Fact Sheet

World Mental Health Day

In recognition to World Mental Health Day earlier in the week this was sent out to our high school students and staff.

Hi Everybody

This week on Wednesday October 10th is World Mental Health Day. It is a day for global mental health awareness and advocacy against social stigma. It was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health.

According to the World Health Organization, worldwide 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders. Neuropsychiatric conditions are the leading cause of disability in young people in all regions. If untreated, these conditions severely influence children’s development, their educational attainments and their potential to live fulfilling and productive lives.

In the high school we educate the topic of Mental Health primarily in our Health class in Grade 10. In conversations with students and families we hope to de-stigmatize this health issue. Just like another part of your body that is in pain or injured quite often seeking advice on how to treat the health concern can be the best way forward. The ISB Counselors are not therapists but between us we have supported thousands of students over the years with their mental health. We can also help with referrals / outside resources in the community for support.

Below is a link to a reliable website sharing information mental health: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/index.shtml

In addition, here is a an article discussing mental health.


The main message here is that is OK to talk about mental health. Hopefully you are in a place where you can talk about mental health with your family and friends. In the school setting counselors, teachers, and admin are here to support you.

Your School Counselors, Ms. Valenzuela, Mr. Callahan, and Mr. Davy.

We wish all students and families a restful three-day break; our thoughts are with the Thai people as they honor their beloved H.M Bhumibol Adulyadej on the anniversary of his passing.

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