1)In search of Room parents for the following classes:
If your child is that class and you’d like to assist, please email escoord@isb.ac.th
Grade 1: Room 106 Zammuto
Grade 2: Rooms 215 Allen & 216 Susan Giles
Grade 3: Room 211 Macky
Grade 4: Room 219 Vera Day & Room 223 David Crimi
2) Intercultural day – November 16th
WE ARE OFFICIALLY FULLY BOOKED! Stay tuned for info on this incredibly fun and educational day!
Our room hosts are now brainstorming and planning fun ideas to inspire our kids to learn more about their culture. Are you not represented in a room but would like to come in and learn more?Have you lived in one of those areas or have a mixed heritage relevant to that room? please do get in touch with us. We may need extra volunteers in some areas and we can put you in touch with a room that would love your help!
Please mark you calendar for the next info session during parents engage on October 11.