Repeat Announcement: Call for Middle School Questions, Concerns and Comments

The first MS Principal Forum will take place Tuesday, November 6 at 9 am in MPR 3. This is an opportunity to voice your questions, comments, suggestions or concerns, and for Mr. Harter and the middle school administration to respond to them.

We are currently accepting written comments, questions and concerns that will be summarized by the MS parent counsel and then put forward to the middle school administration. MS parents who would like to submit comments should email them to before the deadline of Friday, October 12. They will then be summarized and presented to the administration for response on November 6.

Please note that comments not related to middle school will be forwarded to the related department and/or discussed in the PTA board meeting. All questions and comments will be anonymous in the report.

Submitted by PTA Middle School Coordinators

Kelly Kabat and Ferda Seyhan

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