School Counselors News

Kevin Callahan

Freedom from Chemical Dependency will be on campus from October 9-11, meeting with our high school students.  FCD is the leading international provider of school based substance abuse prevention programs.  FCD works worldwide to provide students and the adults who care for them with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to make intelligent and healthy choices about alcohol, tobacco and other drug use.

You are cordially invited to attend a meeting with FCD on Thursday, October 11 from 8:30-9:30am in MPB1.  The FCD specialist will answer your questions, either general ones about drug and alcohol trends in the U.S. and international schools around the world, or about their impressions of the challenges that our own students face in terms of the personal choices they face here in Nichada and in greater Bangkok.  Please come!

For the coming days, we hope students enjoy this activity free long weekend and spend time with family and friends as well as catch up on any work, and maybe a bit of sleep!

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