GCW Registration Opens Next Week for Sophomores and Freshman!

Andy Vanughan

We have now successfully received registrations for our Seniors and Juniors and next week we will open registrations for Grade 9 & 10 as follows:


Opens Monday 24 September 7.00pm
Closes Tuesday 25 September 11.30am


Opens Thursday 27 September 7.00pm
Closes Tuesday 28 September 11.30am

Our Freshman students will also have a chance to learn more about the program in their Freshman Seminar next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

It is very important that prior to your child registering, you have conversations with them that clearly limit the cost of trips you are willing to pay. If students move courses after they are placed, they will be moved to in-Thailand, lower cost courses. 

Please find here the link to the GCW Booklet for 2018-19

Finally, we aim to have all students placed on courses by October 3, on which date we will release placements and final costs for courses. It is important to note that any change of course after this point needs to take place by Thursday October 4.

For any questions, please email Mr. Vaughan directly at: andyv@isb.ac.th

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