Successful Sports Bash Social

Two weeks ago, we hosted a fun social event for middle school students, called the Sports Bash. It was a terrific event, organized by teachers that had students engaging in fun, silly games and interacting with lots of different students. 

With 8 games that students had to play in order to get their “passport stamped”, teams of 5 students laughed and played there way to a pizza snack at the end. Games included, Blanket Volleyball, Fly the Chicken (a version of Ultimate Frisbee with a rubber chicken!), Soccer with a rugby ball, along with several others. 

The social event was the first of what we hope will be many this year, that provide students with a chance to play, socialize, and be silly in ways that they want. We are getting student input into what types of events they want, so that we can get as much participation as possible. 

We hope the word of mouth gets out that the first one was such a blast, that even more will attend the next one they plan! Keep your eye out for the next one to come!

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