Celebrating Peace – Enriching Communities All Student Assembly
Due to limited space in Rajendra Hall this event is not open to the public however photos and a video of the assembly will be available to all ISB parents the following week.
Wednesday, September 19, will be a free dress day for all divisions with students, staff, and faculty encouraged to wear white to celebrate our unity as a learning community and our solidarity with
Anthony Giles, Director of Arts & Activities
The Amorn Group Kids Triathlon
The Amorn Group Kids Triathlon will be a great 20th annual ISB multi-sport (swim, bike, run) event on the morning of Wednesday December 5 – Father’s Day public holiday. Please make sure this event is on your calendar. (Adjusted from Sunday Dec 2nd).
In the meantime, there is an opportunity to practice this type of event with one of our partners, Junior TriDash Bangkok on October 6.
Race distances, location and registration information here: http://www.tridashthailand.
Kellie Alexander, Community Activities Coordinator
Panther Run #3 – October, Sept. 6
Panther Run is a Saturday morning fun run series with a 3km or 5km option, starting and finishing at the ISB track with a loop around the Nichada lake. These are a great chance to challenge yourself to a timed run whilst supporting one ISBs charities, Operation Smile.
Please use the link to register for one or more of the 2018 Panther Charity Runs.
Run # 3 – Saturday October 6
Registration – 6:30am
Start time – 7:15am
Cost – 200 Baht for Adult, 100 baht for Student. (Money is given to the volunteers at the registration table on the day of the race.)
Collect your bibs and timers from the registration table when you arrive at the race. There will be time to warm up and prepare for the race after you arrive.
All proceeds this year will go towards life-changing surgeries for kids with cleft-lip and cleft-palate.
Register HERE
Derrick Quinet, Athletic Director
Campus Closure – September 20th
On Thursday September 20th ISB will be having a ALL STAFF professional development day. This includes everyone from teachers, admin, custodians and guards. To accommodate this internal event, access to campus will be closed to all parents, visitors and students until 12:30.
All gates, including the back gate to Sarawan Ville, Sports Complex, bike access and main gates will be closed an unaccessible.
Please share this information with your children and family helpers and make plans accordingly.
Thank you for your understanding and support in making this great professional development opportunity happen.
Take Away? เอากลับบ้าน?![](https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif)
We’re launching eco-friendly, disposable boxes/bowls and cutlery sets in the ISB cafeteria. This will allow you to take your favourite Epicure meals home or beyond the cafeteria.
When purchasing food in the Middle School and High School cafeteria, many staff members, parents and students at ISB take their lunch from the cafeteria to enjoy it in their classrooms or in common areas around campus. This is one of the many benefits that comes with ISB’s open and beautiful campus – many great breakfast and lunch spots! However, this practice makes it very hard for Epicure and our ISB Building and Grounds staff to locate and return all the plates, bowls, cups and cutlery to its rightful place. The cafeteria loses roughly 4000 pieces of cutlery out of the cafeteria each year on account of this. These กลับบ้าน (take away) meals also create unnecessary waste around campus.
Starting October 1st, ISB and Epicure are introducing biodegradable plate/box takeaway sets (including cutlery) in an attempt to reduce these concerns, and other sanitary issues generated when food is taken away from the main cafeteria. The cost per set is Baht 15 and they can be requested as you order your food at the counter, when you grab your salad from the salad bar, or will be found at the checkouts.
There will be designated areas where cafeteria plastic plates and cutlery are allowed: in the main cafeteria, the staff room by the main cafeteria and the outdoor seatings areas between the cafeteria and Field D. The Grind will also be providing the Green Panther Green cups in these areas, and for take aways you will receive the plant-based plastic cups. (The plastic plates will continue to be used in the Elementary Cafeteria, where takeaway is not an option.)
In order to put our food waste to good, sustainable use, there will also be designated, red trash bins for the disposables and any food remaining in them, which will be taken daily off campus for composting.
You can also be the ultimate environmentalist and bring your own takeaway containers and avoid the cost while further protecting the environment.
Thank you for helping us to reduce our overall waste, be kinder to the environment, be more efficient with our resources and keep our campus clean.
ISB Community Choir, Choral Union
Join Andy Marshall and Matt Enders on Wednesday, September 19th at 7:00pm as they lead the first rehearsal of the 2018-2019 season for the ISB Community Choir, Choral Union. This season we will prepare for a joint concert with the ISB HS/MS choirs on December 4th in the Chevron Theatre. Interested? It’s not too late to sign up! SIGN UP HERE.
Parent Technology Training – Tue, September 25th, 7:45am
Your PTA is organizing a parent tech training to familiarize parents with online systems we use at ISB, as well being prepared to support your child with laptops at home. We welcome suggestions for each session. If you have some ideas or topics you would like covered please let us know when you fill out the registration form. In general, the session will mainly focus on PowerSchool, PowerLearning, Campus Card, Parent Controls, and some applications to help students’ use of the laptop. All sessions will be in MPB 1.
To register for the session, visit: Parent Tech Training Registration
Requirements for the session:
- Fill out the registration from at the link above.
- A laptop (and charger, just in case). If you are unable to bring a laptop please indicate this in the registration form and we will plan in advance to provide some spare laptops for the session.
- Parent PowerSchool login. If you do not have this, please indicate on the registration form.
- Parents need to register their laptop with EdTech for wireless access. Please do this in advance so you are connected to wifi . This allows us to make the best us of the session, and have more time to talk and answer questions.
Should you have any questions please contact Mike Rutherford via email miker@isb.ac.th.
Art Studio Saturdays – September 29th
Saturday, 29 September 2018
10am – 2pm
Art Quad
Art Studio Saturdays are designed to enrich the ISB community through the intellectual and creative thoughts and actions of its participants.
The format of Art Studio Saturday is structured so that participants are involved in one of three focus workshops in which they will learn specific skills, have the opportunity for individual exploration, and participate in creative challenges. As the day progresses, participants will be invited to visit other workshops and to engage in collaborative works.
Guest Artist: Jeff Ross, screen printer
Focus: Interplay of layers, light and color
All participants, regardless of the workshop, will explore working with various layers and colors through mixed media including: print, collage, plexi glass, stenciling, adhesives, spray paint, mark making, fiber arts, and paint.
Participants will be working towards collaborative pieces as well as individual works. These explorations will be both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional.
Art Studio Saturday is free and includes a light lunch.
Spaces are limited and will be based on a diversity of ages and experiences.
Please register by Friday, 14 September here.
Confirmation emails will be sent on Monday, 17 September. This studio session is hosted by the ISB Visual Art Department with support from the ISB Booster Club.
For more information please email: kylieh@isb.ac.th, johannan@isb.ac.th or tristam@isb.ac.th.
Playing BYS, Panthers FC or JV Soccer and still can’t get enough?
Our local club, SCG Muangthong United are offering training clinics (for ages 4 – 15) on Saturday and Sunday evenings starting September 22nd.
Take a look at the flyer for more information.
Stephen Romary, stephen@isb.ac.th
Red Cross Blood Drive – September 24th
The Thailand Red Cross never has enough blood. To help with this we have organized the donation center to come to ISB on Sept 24 to collect blood from willing donors. This blood drive is called the “Khun Somkiat Blood Drive” to honor Khun Somkiat one of the ISB Security staff members who has donated blood over 100 times. Blood that is donated will be used by the Red Cross for potentially life saving blood, plasma and platelet transfusions.
Sterile techniques are used for blood donations and all blood is screened for infectious diseases after it is donated. All potential donors should be fit and healthy on the day of donation and will need to fill in a questionnaire prior to donation (please see donation guidelines below to see if you are ok to donate). Donors should be 17-55 years old and will be reviewed by the donation team to ensure they are ok to donate (this includes a check of their hemoglobin prior to donation). Questionnaire forms are available to pick up from the ISB Health Clinic if you would like to fill them out before the day to save you time when you donate. Potential donors should ensure they are well rested, well hydrated and have a low fat breakfast/lunch prior to donating.
If you are willing to donate (and meet the criteria below) please sign up through Signup Genius (LINK) or at the ISB Health Clinic. We ask potential donors to nominate a time (30 minute time slot) they would be able to donate so we can limit waiting times and ensure the Red Cross have enough staff to cope with donor numbers. Donation times are 9am-12pm and 1-3pm.
Thailand Red Cross Donation Criteria
The Red Cross defines an acceptable donor as one whom:
- Is between the ages of 17-55.
- Weighs at least 45 kg (99 lbs).
You will not be able to donate if:
- Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Gave birth or had a miscarriage in the past six months.
- Had diarrhea in the past seven days.
- Had dental treatment in the past three days.
- Had major surgery in the past six months or minor surgery in the past seven days.
- Have a history of drug use or been imprisoned in the past three years.
- Received a blood transfusion in the past year.
- Visited any area where malaria is endemic in the past year or actually had malaria in the past three years.
- Resided in the UK for more than 3 months during the period 1980-1996 or received a blood transfusion in UK during that time.
- Resided in the Europe for more than 5 years during the period 1980-present.
- Have taken any medication other than Paracetamol/acetaminophen.
- Have tested positive for hepatitis B or C in the past.
- Have asthma, epilepsy, chronic skin disease, chronic cough, tuberculosis, allergies, high blood pressure, heart/kidney/thyroid disease, cancer, bleeding disorder, etc.
- Have had ear/body piercings, tattoos made or removed, or acupuncture in the past year.
- Have received any vaccinations in the past two months except seasonal Flu vaccine.
- Have received a serum injection in the past year.
- Consumed alcohol in the preceding 24 hours.
You may not be able to donate:
- Have taken any medication other than Paracetamol/acetaminophen (the staff will discuss this with you on the donation day.
Before donating blood you should:
- Get enough sleep (at least six hours).
- Drink at least 3-4 cups of pure water to prepare your system and avoid getting dizzy.
- Do not consume alcohol in the 24 hours prior to donating.
- Eat something healthy that is low in fat. No high fat foods for 6 hours preceding donation.
- Refrain from smoking at least one hour before and after the donation.
Mosquitoes and Disease
We have been informed of a case of Dengue Fever in the community and would like to remind everyone of potential dangers of mosquitoes in Thailand.
Mosquitoes bites can be annoying due to local itchiness and swelling. We also need to think about diseases that are spread to us through mosquito bites. In Thailand there are several diseases that can be spread by mosquitoes. We have not had any recent of cases of Dengue Fever and Japanese Encephalitis but we have had cases in previous years and want to encourage everyone to be aware of mosquito avoidance measures.
Dengue Fever
- Spread by Aedes mosquito.
- 4 different subtypes of virus cause it so you can get the disease more than once (and tends to be worse each time you get it).
- Symptoms include fevers, headache, muscle aches and pains, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhoea, rash, bleeding from gums and nose.
- Can develop Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever as you get better where you bleed excessively and this can be fatal.
- Can not be spread directly human to human. Spread by human to mosquito to human.
- Diagnosed by symptoms and can be detected on a blood test.
- Treatment is for symptom relief only. There are no antiviral medications that are effective.
- Dengue fever illness tends to be more severe each time you get exposed to a strain of the virus so if you have had it in the past you must take extra precautions to prevent getting it again.
- Prevention is by mosquito avoidance (see below). A vaccine is now available which is a 3 dose course over 12 months. This vaccine has variable immune response to the different subtypes of the Dengue virus and should be avoided in those who have not have Dengue Fever in the past. A new vaccine is being developed which looks more promising but is not available at the moment. Discuss with your health provider whether you should receive the current vaccine (especially if you have had Dengue Fever in the past).
- Spread by the Aedes mosquito.
- Caused by a virus.
- Cases have occurred in Thailand since 2012. There has been a recent increase in the number of cases but this may be due to increased testing due to public awareness of the virus..
- Spread through mosquitoes and can also be sexually transmitted.
- Symptoms are usually mild and include low grade fever, rash, conjunctivitis, muscle aches, joint pains, fatigue and headaches.
- It has now been found to be associated with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (where the immune system attacks the nerves) and birth abnormalities in babies born to women who were infected whilst pregnant (microcephaly or small heads). Extra precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitos should be taken by women who are pregnant or trying to conceive and their partners (see below). If a pregnant woman is concerned she has Zika she should contact her doctor for further advice.
- Treatment is for symptom relief only. There are no antiviral medications that are effective.
- Prevention is by mosquito avoidance (see below) and safe sexual practices following infection (for 6 months for a male and 8 weeks for a female). There is no vaccine available.
- Spread by Aedes mosquito.
- Caused by a virus.
- Can not be spread directly human to human. Spread by human to mosquito to human.
- Symptoms include high fever, joint pain and swelling, muscle pain, rash, headache, fatigue and nausea.
- Treatment is for symptom relief only. There are no antiviral medications that are effective.
- Prevention is by mosquito avoidance (see below)
Japanese Encephalitis
- Spread by the Culex mosquito.
- Caused by a virus.
- Most people will have no symptoms or very mild symptoms which include fever and headaches. 1 in 250 will get severe disease with inflammation of the brain which may cause permanent brain damage and/or death.
- Treatment is for symptom relief only. There are no antiviral medications that are effective.
- Prevention is by mosquito avoidance (see below). Vaccination against Japanese Encephalitis is recommended for people living in an endemic area (which includes Thailand).
- Spread by the Anopheles mosquito.
- Caused by a parasite called Plasmodium (5 different species).
- Symptoms include fevers (which may go up and down), profuse sweating, chills, malaise, muscle aches, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and cough.
- Treatable infection if diagnosed early and treated with appropriate antimalarial medications.
- Prevention is by mosquito avoidance (see below) and by taking antimalarial prophylaxis if travelling to a high risk area. Bangkok is considered a low risk area for malaria and mosquito avoidance is the recommended preventative measure whilst living here.
Mosquito Avoidance
As outlined above there are many diseases that can be spread by mosquitoes and mosquito avoidance is one of the main preventative measures that should be employed. This avoidance should be all day and night not just in the dusk and dawn period as some of the species carrying disease are active during the day and others at night.
Mosquito avoidance measures include:
- Wearing loose light coloured clothing that covers as much skin as possible.
- Using mosquito nets to sleep under (including daytime naps)
- Prevent mosquitoes entering the house with screens on door and windows and keeping doors closed.
- Use of insect repellant which contains DEET, IR3535 or icaridin.
- Eliminate stagnant water in which mosquitoes can breed from around the house.
- Consider the use of mosquito coils/fans outside doors that are frequently opened.
- Discuss with landlord use of insecticide sprays in the compound you live in.
ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider or the ISB Health Clinic (nurse@isb.ac.th).