Middle School Tardy Policy

At ISB, we value the time students have in class with their teachers and classmates. We understand that class time allows students to interact with each other as they make sense of new ideas and concepts.

We believe that students demonstrate respect to themselves, their teachers, their classmates, and their learning when they arrive to class on time and engage in the learning. In general we support students in this and talk to them about what that respect looks like. Occasionally, students repeatedly arrive late to class. In these cases, we follow up further in the hope that students will value their class time more.

MS Tardy Procedures

Attending classes in a timely manner helps create a more positive learning climate and is an important habit to develop. Tardy students miss valuable learning time and cause a disruption when entering the classroom late.

The ISB middle school tardy policy is as follows:

  1. First tardy: teacher addresses tardy with student.
  2. Second tardy: teacher addresses tardy with student and may contact home.
  3. Fourth tardy: Dean of Students informs student and parents of the repeated tardies.
  4. Eighth tardy: Dean of Students sends email to student and parents that lunch detentions are instituted for each additional tardy.
  5. Twelfth tardy: Dean of Students requests a parent meeting.

How to check your child’s tardy count on PowerSchool

Sign into PowerSchool. If you don’t know your username and password, please contact Khun Arintra at arintrat@isb.ac.th. Click on Attendance History on the left-hand column. If you see any records that you believe are in error, you can e-mail Khun Arintra with the corrections or send a note with your child.

This screen will show you the most recent entries as well as totals for the year.

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