ISB All School eNews – Run with Purpose, Music with Mass, Coffee with Heart

First Friday with Andy

The first “First Friday with Andy” for this school year will take place on Friday 7th September at 8:00am in the Orange Room (near the admissions office).

“First Friday with Andy” is an open forum for parents to meet informally with the Head of School and address any topics of interest or concern. No signing up is necessary; simply come and participate if you are free and interested.

Dr. Andrew Davies

Head of School   

Coffee with Heart

ISB PTA invites you to a special Welcome Wai event.

Come to ‘Coffee with Heart’ and discover many fun ways to get involved in our local community and make new friends!

Our community has much to offer from volunteering opportunities, adult education, sports and fitness activities. 

Join us for coffee and learn more about ways that you can get involved!

Date Wednesday 12th September 2018
Time 7.45- 9.00
Location – ISB, MPB 1&2

Jenna Deacon-Potter, PTA

Massed Band Festival 2018

This year ISB hosts the annual Massed Band Festival event that will take place on the ISB campus on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 7th and 8th.  Up to 200 students from 10 schools will gather in the Chevron Theatre to rehearse with our guest conductor for this year’s event, Mr. Gary Gillett.  Gary is the retired director of bands from Missoula Sentinel High School in Missoula, Mt. USA and brings over 40 years of experience and knowledge as a festival adjudicator, conductor of honor bands and city municipal bands.  He is a wonderful music educator/author that will work very well with our students to provide a positive musical environment.  Schools from Northern and Southern Thailand as well as Malaysia will be joining us for this year’s festival to create a truly international event.  Don’t miss the Gala Concert when the Massed Band will be performing the best of wind band music at 2 pm in the Chevron Theatre on Saturday, the 8th of September.  Admission is free and all are invited! 

Contact: Anthony Giles, PK-12 Arts & Activities Director

Panther Series Charity Run for Operation Smile Registration 2018

Panther Run #2 – Saturday, Sept. 8

Panther Run is a Saturday morning fun run series with a 3km or 5km option, starting and finishing at the ISB track with a loop around the Nichada lake. These are a great chance to challenge yourself to a timed run whilst supporting one ISBs charities, Operation Smile.

Please use the link to register for one or more of the 2018 Panther Charity Runs.
Run # 2  – Saturday September 8
Run # 3 – Saturday October 6

Registration  – 6:30am
Start time  – 7:15am
Cost – 200 Baht for Adult, 100 baht for Student. (Money is given to the volunteers at the registration table on the day of the race.)
Collect your bibs and timers from the registration table when you arrive at the race. There will be time to warm up and prepare for the race after you arrive.

All proceeds this year will go towards life-changing surgeries for kids with cleft-lip and cleft-palate.
Register HERE


Derrick Quinet, Athletic Director

Adult Education Course Catalog Now Available!

Registration for the next session of Adult Education is right around the corner.  We have loads of exciting classes to offer this session such as Chinese language, Sewing, Quilting, Asian preserved flower arrangement, tapestry weaving, Calligraphy, fondant, and much, much more.  Of course, all of the old favorites will be back again this semester including Thai Language, Tennis, Yoga, Bollywood, Painting, Choir, loads of cooking classes, and so much more.  There is sure to be a class for you!

The course catalog is available right now…check it out today at Then revisit our website beginning on September 10th at 8:00am to register.  Remember classes are filled on a first come, first served basis so register early to avoid disappointment!   

For more information, please contact Piercarlo Abate, Adult Education Coordinator at

Celebrating Peace – Enriching Communities All Student Assembly

We will be holding our annual Peace Day Assembly for students on Wednesday, September 19. Through the mediums of dance, music, film, drama, visual art, and storytelling this year’s PK-12 gathering called, Hands and Hearts: Enriching communities through humanitarian thoughts and actions, will celebrate how acts of kindness, no matter how big or small, can bring peace and love to the lives of those around us. 

Due to limited space in Rajendra Hall this event is not open to the public however photos and a video of the assembly will be available to all ISB parents the following week.

Wednesday, September 19, will be a free dress day for all divisions with students, staff, and faculty encouraged to wear white to celebrate our unity as a learning community and our solidarity with


Anthony Giles, Director of Arts & Activities 

Strength and Conditioning at ISB

Amir Mirzaie, ISB Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, is here to help High School students, staff and parents to meet their fitness goals.

Amir is in his 7th year at ISB as strength and conditioning coach. He offers free strength and conditioning classes for students from 3-4:30pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday as well as a free indoor/outdoor training class for parents each Saturday morning starting at 10:15am beginning in the schools fitness room. 

Amir also offers paid private training and group training classes.

Parents and High School students, if you haven’t done so already, please pick up a waiver form from the Community and Arts office before using the ISB fitness facility.

Amir can be contacted on

Kellie Alexander
Community Activities Coordinator

When your child presents to the Health Clinic…

Do you know what happens when you child presents to the ISB Health Clinic? How do they get assessed? How do they get treated?

The ISB Health Clinic reviews on around 60 students each day. Staff members are also seen in the clinic. Presentations vary from minor injuries to life threatening conditions.

When a student presents they are initially asked to fill in paperwork with their name and class. The nurse will then ask them what is wrong and they will be assessed. The assessment will be determined by the injury or illness they present with. The nurse will also be called if the student is unable to come to the clinic and will review the student and transport them to the clinic if required. In the afternoon after school the nurse is located at the first aid room in the Old Sports Complex.

They will then receive treatment of the condition they presented with. The treatment required will vary from being given an ice pack, being given medications (if parents have consented it this) or being observed to being transferred to hospital in the case of an immediately life threatening condition. If the child is in elementary school and the injury or illness may cause ongoing symptoms the parent will be notified. If the student is in middle school or high school and the injury is mild the student is asked if they would like us to notify the parent.

If the illness or injury requires further investigation or management parents will be notified and asked to pick up their child if immediate review is required. All students with a temperature over 38 degrees celsius or persistent vomiting will need to be picked up.

If the student needs to be seen by a doctor the nurse can assist by contacting the hospital of choice and arranging an appointment. We may assist in the transfer to hospital for certain injuries (or illnesses) where mobility is limited but would need the parent/guardian to accompany the student and transport will normally only be provided to World Medical Center. Transfer to other hospitals can be arranged through World Medical Center if required. In the case of immediately non life threatening injuries or illnesses the school will not transfer a student without the parent being present. The reason for this is the parents need to decide which hospital they want their child to go to and the what treatment they want their child to have. Doctors also need consent from the parent to perform any procedure on their child. Students will also feel comforted by the presence of their parent.

If the injury is life threatening the student would be sent to World Medical Center and the parents notified as soon as possible.

ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider or the ISB Health Clinic (

Announcing New Cardio Doubles Tennis Program for ISB Parents!

We have a new program to offer you this year, as explained in the attached document. Please read the document, and if you are interested and can commit to the six dates for this first semester – please sign up by completing the google form at the link in the document. We will only be able to accept the first 15 players to register and pay; after this limit is reached, we will place additional interested players on the waiting list.

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you on the courts!

Bob Connor ( or Yukiko Saito 

Cardio Doubles Tennis

Top Flight Basketball Returns to ISB September 2018

After 6 amazing weeks of summer camp, and an amazing trip to Los Angeles, our new schedule has been finalized and we are pleased to announce the return of the Top Flight Basketball Academy Programs at ISB beginning September 4, 2018.

The first class on September 4 is free for all students!

Our ECA (after school) program will begin on Tuesday September 4, classes will take place every Tuesday at the following times. 17:30-18:30 High-Flyers (Boys and Girls ages 6-12)
Register Now

18:30-19:30 THE LAB (Boys and Girls ages 13-18)
Register Now

Please see the Tuesdays dates below of Season I:
Sep 11, 18, 25
Oct 2, 9, 16, 30
Nov 6, 13, 20

Registration fee is 6,000 baht for 10 sessions.

You can pay by cash at the class or to the following bank account: Bangkok Bank, Top Flight Basketball CO., LTD.
Account number 031-0-21249-3 (please bring proof of payment)

The Weekend Academy Program will begin on Saturday September 8, 2018 (NSC Gym) at the following times:

9:30-10:30 Mini Flyers: Boys and Girls Ages: 3-5
10:30-12:00 Cadets: Boys and Girls Ages 6-12

Please see the Saturday dates below of Season I:
Sept 8, 15, 29
Oct 6, 20
Nov 3,10, 17, 24
Dec 1, 8

Registration fee is 4,400 baht for Mini Flyers 6,600 baht for Cadets / 11 sessions.
You can pay by cash at the class or to the following bank account: Bangkok Bank, Top Flight Basketball CO., LTD.
Account number 031-0-21249-3 (please bring proof of payment)

Click here to join our weekend program

The focus of these programs is individual skill development, students will be grouped by skill level, athleticism and coordination, and experience. Our programs are perfect for beginners and experienced players alike. it is our aim to provide our players a challenging yet fun environment in which to improve their basketball skill level.
As usual for any questions please feel free to contact us at

See you in September! GO TOPFLIGHT!

Click here  to read about the program.

The Top Flight Team

Preparing Calendar for the 2019-2020 School year

This year, as we begin looking at preparing the calendar for the 2019-20 school year, we are asking for input from our stakeholders.  Parents are asked to share their thoughts
on this linked survey.  A committee will come together to look at the feedback, consider what is best for student learning, and propose calendar options. The team will work hard to make decisions that bet meet our student needs and accommodate the community; however, it will not be possible to create a calendar that gives everyone everything they want.  Parents who are interested in being part of the committee can indicate so on the survey.  Questions can be directed to Debi Caskey, Deputy Head of School for Learning (

Get Ready, Get Set, Mark your Calendars for Wednesday December 5

When ISB will host the Amorn Group, ISB Kids Triathlon (originally set for Sunday Dec 2). This is an annual community event where kids can experience the multi-sport of Triathlon  – swim, bike and run. More information to come.

In the meantime, let’s support our ISB athletes who are in their final training for the Ironman World championships in Hawaii.

Of more than 70,000 competitors in 30 Ironman races throughout the world, only the top 1800 (2.4%) qualify for the championship. Dan Bentley, HS Mathematics Teacher; Andy Vaughan, HS Dean of students and Dale Jamieson, ES parent have all qualified.

The championship race in Hawaii is the place where the best of the best come together on October 13 for a grueling 2.4 mile (3.86km) swim, a 112 mile (180.25km) bicycle ride and a marathon 26.22 mile (42km) run, raced in that order and without a break.

Can you imagine, running a weekend Cross Country retreat for students and then biking home 193km at an average of 40km per hour? Dan Bentley did it this week.

Can you imagine starting your day at 5:15am with a 3km swim, working for 10 hours, putting the kids to bed, then hitting the pavement for a 30km run at 9:30pm? Andy Vaughan did it this week.

This has been the level of training these ISB folks have been putting in for many months.

5 weeks to go!

Kellie Alexander, Community Activities Coordinator


Save The Date – ISB Black and Gold Ball

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