ISB All School eNews – Music, Community and Results

Massed Band -8th September

In September, ISB will host 200 students from 10 schools during the annual Massed Band Festival, featuring guest conductor Mr Gary Gillett. Gary is the retired director of bands from Missoula Sentinel High School in Missoula, Mt. USA and brings over 40 years of experience and knowledge as a festival adjudicator, conductor of honor bands and city municipal bands. Don’t miss the Gala Concert when the Massed Band will be performing the best of wind band music.
Saturday, 8th September, 2pm, Chevron Theatre 
Free Admission


Anthony Giles, PK-12 Arts & Activities Director

Preparing the Calendar for the 2019-2020 School Year

This year, as we begin looking at preparing the calendar for the 2019-20 school year, we are asking for input from our stakeholders.  Parents are asked to share their thoughts
on this linked survey.  A committee will come together to look at the feedback, consider what is best for student learning, and propose calendar options. The team will work hard to make decisions that bet meet our student needs and accommodate the community; however, it will not be possible to create a calendar that gives everyone everything they want.  Parents who are interested in being part of the committee can indicate so on the survey.  Questions can be directed to Debi Caskey, Deputy Head of School for Learning (

Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policy

Dear Parents,

Student Safeguarding is a significant priority at ISB and we have been working diligently over the past few years to ensure that the school is following best practices in this regards.

By enrolling your child at ISB, you agree to work in partnership with the school and abide by the policies adopted by the ISB Board of Trustees.

All of us at ISB want you to know that we genuinely value our partnership with you in providing for the safety and care of your children. It is for this reason that ISB has developed and adopted a Student Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct for ISB Employees and Associates. We have conducted recent training on the Student Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct in English and Thai for over 800 ISB employees and associates including teachers, IAs, secretaries, Building and Grounds staff, security guards, substitute teachers, coaches, cafeteria staff, bus drivers and bus monitors.

Our ISB Student Safeguarding Policy outlines the measures we take to create a safe and nurturing environment for all of the children we come into contact with in our work, as well as the procedures we use to ensure that we fulfill our professional and ethical obligation to identify children who are in need of help and protection and to take appropriate action to ensure their wellbeing. We have translated this policy into Thai, Japanese and Korean, the major language groups of our community, in addition to English.

The ISB Code of Conduct applied to all ISB employees and Associates. It defines the standards by which all ISB students should be treated with respect and dignity at all times.

You can find the ISB Student Safeguarding Policy (English, Thai, Japanese and Korean) as well as the Code of Conduct on the Parent Portal and attached to this message.

Any member of our community who is concerned that a child or young person may be experiencing abuse or neglect should immediately notify a counselor, school psychologist or principal.

If you are concerned that an ISB employee or associate has violated our Code of Conduct, you should immediately notify the principal or Head of School.

We will work together with you to ensure that our children are safe and are knowledgeable about their rights and responsibilities to themselves and to each other so that they can grow and learn free of fear in a safe and supportive environment.

I thank you for your support of our efforts and invite you to contact your school counselor or principal regarding any specific questions you may have in this regard.


Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School

ISB Student Safeguarding Code of Conduct
ISB Student Safeguarding Code of Conduct_Thai
ISB Student Safeguarding Policy
ISB_Japanese Safeguarding policy
ISB student safeguarding policy Korean

Campus Access Guidelines

In an effort to maintain the unique open campus feel of ISB, along with improving the overall

safeguarding of students, employees, parents and property, the following guidelines regarding access to the campus are in place:

Campus Access:

  • The campus will be open to the community from 6.40am to 8.00pm each day.
  • Students and community members may enter the school via:
    • the front main gate (from 6.40am to 8.00pm each day)
    • the back Sarawanville pedestrian gate (from 6.40am to 8.00pm each day)
    • the Sports Complex Gate (weekdays from 6:40am to 8:00am and 1:55pm to 6:45pm)
    • the ES bike shed gate (weekdays from 6:40am to 8:00am and 12:30pm to 5:00pm)
    • the HS bike shed gate (weekdays from 6:40am to 7:45am and 1:45pm to 3:30pm)
  • After 8:00pm students and adults may continue to cross the campus to get to and from Nichada and Sarawanville.
  • Visitors (non ISB community members) may only use the front main gate – not the Sarawanville pedestrian gate.
  • Adults must present ID to enter campus at all times.
  • Middle and High school students must present ID when entering campus after regular school hours.
  • Access times will be adjusted for events that run before and after normal opening hours. For example, events that run past 8:00pm, the campus closing time will be adjusted to 30 minutes after the scheduled end of the event (e.g. Spirit Night).
  • All buildings on campus will be secured at 6:00pm (or immediately after the event concludes) and access will only be granted to those personnel assigned to the space. Buildings will be opened at 5:00am on school days for ISB staff access. No student or parent will be allowed to access classrooms, offices, or other learning spaces without the assigned staff member present.

Campus Use Regulations for Students by Division

  • Regular school supervision hours are as follows:
    • For ES 7:00am to 2:20pm on Weekdays, and 7:00am to 1:10pm on Early Release Days.
    • For MS 7:20am to 2:25pm
    • For HS 7:20am to 2:25pm
  • Any Elementary school student on campus outside of regular school hours, who are not participating in a school sponsored event (taking part or supporting), must be actively supervised by an adult in charge, appointed by the family.
    • Middle and High School students may use the following designated areas (if available) outside of regular school hours
    • MS/HS Library (until 4:30pm Monday-Thursday, 3:30pm Friday. Closed Weekends)
    • Track, Field A & D, central tennis courts, and Cafeteria (until 6:00pm)
    • Auxiliary Gym (until 7:45pm)
    • Students may only use other areas of the school for school approved activities with adult supervision, eg. weight room, CC building practice rooms, etc.

Emergency Contact

  • Parents should be aware that no adult supervision is provided outside of regular school hours and school sponsored activities. Access to the campus is at own risk.
  • Point of emergency contact – security guards are stationed at the;
    • main gate, front of school,
    • sports complex,
    • athletics area breezeway,
    • back gate by Sarawanville
    • emergency numbers are printed on the back of your ID card

Except during school holidays, a school nurse is on campus until 8pm on weekdays and at certain weekend hours when events are scheduled.

Visitor Access Guidelines

All visitors to ISB must have an appointment to be granted access to campus. For ISB employees who have a visitor coming to campus, you must notify the security office.  This may be done by email, to Khun Ratthavit at and should include:

Visitor’s name,
Date and Time,
Person visiting,
Contact number.

Once the appointment is confirmed, the visitor must exchange a government issued photo ID for an ISB “Visitor” badge and lanyard.  This badge must be worn at all times while on campus.  The visitor ID may be issued at the main gate or at the guard post next to the administration office.

Visitors are welcome to visit all common areas of the school.  If they intend to be in learning spaces they must be accompanied by an ISB employee.



Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management

Seeking a School Health Coordinator

ISB is seeking a School Health Coordinator shall be responsible for the coordination and implementation of preventive health services and crisis response at ISB.  The School Health Coordinator works to promote the health and safety of ISB students and staff, including health promotion and advocacy, staff training and communication to the ISB community, and working with the Head Nurse in managing Health Clinic processes and response. The full job description is attached along with instructions for applying.

Debi Caskey, Deputy Head of School for Learning

School Health Coordinator





Korean Community Meeting

Tuesday, Sep. 11th at MPB1&2 (9:30am-11:30am)

We are pleased to invite all Korean parents for our first meeting of this school year on Tuesday, September 11th, 9:30am to 11:30am at MPB1&2.

Please come talk about what we are doing all together this coming year with making some new friends. Simple snacks and some drinks will be served.

We hope to see you all there!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact to us,

Eunchu Lee & Sunghee Ahn
Korean PTA Co Representatives,

American Women Club Get Together

The American Women Club (AWC) would like to invite ladies in the ISB Community to their event near Nichada:

Join us for a private event at Que Pasa to re-connect with friends and make new ones! Everyone is welcome! Member or nonmember alike. Appetizers will be provided. Lunch and beverages will be at your own cost. Some of us will be staying for lunch.

Thursday, Sept 13th, 11am–1pm
Hosted by American Women’s Club
Location: Que Pasa Mexican Restaurant, Nichada
Deadline to RSVP is September 10th

Please RSVP online at

We will arrange transportation from downtown if there is enough interest. Small children are also welcome. For more information:


Jennifer Sparks 




Pigeons on Campus

You may have noticed, that our pigeons have been taken by surprise by the return of students to the ISB. Having enjoyed the campus to themselves for many weeks, the pigeon population is having to adjust to the encroachment of space they have come to believe is theirs, now that school is back in session. Rest assured, we are working hard on relocating them to exterior spaces and keeping birds outside by installing extra nets in areas such as the outdoor gyms. We understand your concerns and hope to see improvements very soon. 

Marc de Vries, Chief Financial Officer






Hands & Hearts: Parent Volunteers Needed

Calling for parent volunteers to help organize an art project in the ES/MS/HS for the September 19 PK-12 Peace Day Assembly with the same name, Hands & Hearts: Enriching communities through humanitarian thoughts and actions. This is a fun project that involves students creating giant heart shapes with their hands and paint on banners for Rajendra Hall. Sound messy? That’s where you come in! We need some parent volunteers to supervise this art project in the ES and another station in the MS/HS cafeteria September 12 & 13th.


Vera Day

ISB DAY at the SCG Stadium. Wednesday, September 5th.

You and your family/friends are invited to the match with Chonburi FC.   Kickoff at 8PM.  TICKETS ARE FREE!  To reserve please fill out this form (  
Pick up tickets on matchday at the SCG Stadium, in nearby Muang Thong Thani. 

SCG Muangthong United is a professional football team playing in Thailand’s top division. Find out more about the club at

ข่าวดีสำหรับแฟนๆกิเลนผยองทุกๆท่านใน ISB สำหรับ ISB DAY ณ สนาม SCG Stadium ที่เปิดโอกาสให้คุณและครอบครัวหรือเพื่อนๆได้เข้าชมการแข่งขันระหว่างเอสซีจี เมืองทองและอุบล Chonburi FC 09-SEPT-2018, 8PM  –> 

Best Regards,

Stephen Romary
Grade 8 Social Studies

After The Wave Foundation

Stop into the NNR hosted Coffee Morning

NNR Coffee Friday, September 7th, Baan Rimlake  10.00 a.m

NNR is the Nonthaburi Neighborhood Reach and they are hosting a coffee for those in the community to meet some new people and learn more about what NNR does and the awesome activities they offer. Stop in and pay them a visit.

We are here to help each other.

Chantal Bremmer









Panther Run #2 -Saturday September 8

Panther Run is a Saturday morning fun run series with a 3km or 5km option, starting and finishing at the ISB track with a loop around the Nichada lake. These are a great chance to challenge yourself to a timed run whilst supporting one ISBs charities, Operation Smile.

Please use the link to register for one or more of the 2018 Panther Charity Runs.

Run # 2  – Saturday September 8
Run # 3 – Saturday October 6

Registration  – 6:30am
Start time  – 7:15am
Cost – 200 Baht for Adult, 100 baht for Student. (Money is given to the volunteers at the registration table on the day of the race.)
Collect your bibs and timers from the registration table when you arrive at the race. There will be time to warm up and prepare for the race after you arrive.

All proceeds this year will go towards life-changing surgeries for kids with cleft-lip and cleft-palate.

Register HERE

Derrick Quinet, Athletics Director

ISB eNews Guidelines 2018 – 2019

The ISB eNews provides a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNews guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB,that ISB is involved in and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement:

  • A title for your announcement
  • A contact person and email address for further information
  • Important details such as dates, location, prices, etc
  • For some helpful tips on how to get more attention to your announcement, click here.

Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families. is for PTA announcements of interest to all ISB parents.

Your announcement will be submitted for review. Please note: ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB All-School eNews is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays (or Fridays when necessary). Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNews are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

The PTA eNews are sent out on Tuesdays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Mondays.


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