Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policy

Dear Parents,

Student Safeguarding is a significant priority at ISB and we have been working diligently over the past few years to ensure that the school is following best practices in this regards.

By enrolling your child at ISB, you agree to work in partnership with the school and abide by the policies adopted by the ISB Board of Trustees.

All of us at ISB want you to know that we genuinely value our partnership with you in providing for the safety and care of your children. It is for this reason that ISB has developed and adopted a Student Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct for ISB Employees and Associates. We have conducted recent training on the Student Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct in English and Thai for over 800 ISB employees and associates including teachers, IAs, secretaries, Building and Grounds staff, security guards, substitute teachers, coaches, cafeteria staff, bus drivers and bus monitors.

Our ISB Student Safeguarding Policy outlines the measures we take to create a safe and nurturing environment for all of the children we come into contact with in our work, as well as the procedures we use to ensure that we fulfill our professional and ethical obligation to identify children who are in need of help and protection and to take appropriate action to ensure their wellbeing. We have translated this policy into Thai, Japanese and Korean, the major language groups of our community, in addition to English.

The ISB Code of Conduct applied to all ISB employees and Associates. It defines the standards by which all ISB students should be treated with respect and dignity at all times.

You can find the ISB Student Safeguarding Policy (English, Thai, Japanese and Korean) as well as the Code of Conduct on the Parent Portal and attached to this message.

Any member of our community who is concerned that a child or young person may be experiencing abuse or neglect should immediately notify a counselor, school psychologist or principal.

If you are concerned that an ISB employee or associate has violated our Code of Conduct, you should immediately notify the principal or Head of School.

We will work together with you to ensure that our children are safe and are knowledgeable about their rights and responsibilities to themselves and to each other so that they can grow and learn free of fear in a safe and supportive environment.

I thank you for your support of our efforts and invite you to contact your school counselor or principal regarding any specific questions you may have in this regard.


Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School

ISB Student Safeguarding Code of Conduct
ISB Student Safeguarding Code of Conduct_Thai
ISB Student Safeguarding Policy
ISB_Japanese Safeguarding policy
ISB student safeguarding policy Korean

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