PTA Loves Safe Cyclists!

Our bicycle light giveaway was a big success! We gave away 200 bicycle lights over the past week and we are delighted that kids and adults will be more visible as they cycle around their neighborhoods. But what else can we do to prevent accidents? Responsibility lies with EVERYONE!
Some quick topics to address with your cyclists:
– Wear your helmet, fastened to your head
– Use the bicycle lanes. They are provided for your protection. It’s silly not to use them, eh?
– Be alert as you cycle, looking for vehicles at intersections and driveways and checking the vehicle lanes before you exit the bicycle lane.
– Obey Security Guard and Crossing Guard instructions. Some kids (and adults) seem to cool for crossing guard instructions, but they’ve prevented serious accidents by being there at the ready, to help you cross. Please let them do their jobs.
Some quick topics to address with your driver, mae baan or teen on a golf cart or motorbike:
– ALWAYS stop for pedestrians
– Drive the speed limit, 30 km/hr in Nichada
– Never drive or park in a bicycle lane
– Be alert for children at all times, especially in the school zone
– Drop off and pick up students at the front of the school. There is no other safe place for drop off and pick up other than this designated zone.
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