Home Learning in the Middle School

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

Each year at Open House, we remind parents about our Middle School Home Learning Policy. In place for many years now, our MS Home Learning Policy reflects research on the effectiveness of homework in improving academic performance. To capture a Duke University Study headline that sums up much of this research, “homework helps students succeed in school, as long as there isn’t too much.”

A key part of our policy is sharing student and parent responsibilities as well as the purpose of homework. For your reference, here are the Parent Responsibilities:

  • Take an active interest in my child’s home learning, understanding that home learning time is a guideline for each grade level, and that on occasion, my child may not have any home learning assigned. If, on a regular basis, my child is taking a longer time to complete work at home than the grade level time guideline offers, I will contact the teacher(s) to provide them with that feedback.
  • Encourage healthy habits for my child, and establish routines that promote a balance between home learning, free time, and sleep.

In keeping with our Mission point to ensure students lead healthy, active, balanced lives, the amount of time students should spend on homework in limited. Please let teachers know if you feel that your child is spending more time on homework than we’d expect. Your help in monitoring this will ensure that we partner to your child being both academically successful, as well as balanced, rested, and active.

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