High School Counseling News

Jackie Valenzuela

We hope your family’s transition back to school is going well and that as the year progresses and your student/s begin to juggle school and activities, they can find balance between both.
Please have a conversation with your child and make sure:

a) they have a good idea of their teachers’ expectations.
b) they have a plan to be organized in managing their time and assignments.
c) they know how to relax after a long school day/week.

Over the course of this semester, we will meet with your student individually to check in and continue to get to know them better. 

We hope Grade 9 students are finding the transition to high school a positive one.  They are always welcome to stop by our office with anything from academic to personal concerns.  

Last week, Mrs. Hansberry visited Freshman Seminar to explain the different types of service opportunities and service hour requirements for graduation.  This week and next, students are watching “Screenagers,” a great documentary about the challenges of balancing social media, video games and academics.  

Jackie Valenzuela
High School Counselor
Click here to schedule an appointment

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