Reminder About Parent Meeting Points for Dismissal

Pre-Kindergarteners and Kindergarteners will be dismissed from their respective outside classroom doors.  Parents or caregivers should come to the individual classroom door at dismissal time to collect children so that the teachers and IAs can check who is picking them up. For your convenience, there is a separate entrance for PK/K to enter campus.  In the corner of the parking lot, next to the ES Bike Shed, we have an entrance marked “Early Childhood.”  

Bus monitors will come to collect bus-riding students.  Montri should be informed of any bus rider who has left school early or has left school by other means.

Grade One students will be dismissed from the first grade quad.  Any student who has not been picked up by 10 minutes after dismissal should be escorted to the office where parents will be contacted by phone and signed out to a parent or guardian.

Grades Two and Three will be dismissed from their specials classes (Art, Music, PE, or World Language) and parents or caregivers should use the ES Hub Terrace (Library) as a meeting point.  Any student who has not been picked up by 10 minutes after dismissal should report to the office or classroom to seek assistance. The office will contact parents by phone and the student will be signed out to a parent or guardian.

Grades Four and Five will be dismissed from the classroom.  Parents are encouraged to use the MS/HS cafeteria as a meeting point to alleviate congestion in front of the ES Library and Office.  Any student who has not been picked up by 10 minutes after dismissal should report to the office or classroom to seek assistance. The office will contact parents by phone and the student will be signed out to a parent or guardian.

About Tina

ES secretary
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