
Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to school and to the last few weeks of the school year. Hopefully you will have read about the great successes and achievements of our IASAS athletes at the 3rd season competitions with 2 gold medals, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals collected by our teams and returned to the Bangkok trophy cabinet this week.

Congratulations are also due to students involved in the Celebration of Service event on Tuesday night where over 160 people came together to celebrate the commitment and great work that our teachers and students do in the field of Community Service.

On Wednesday and Thursday night our student thespians were able to share eight one act plays in the HS Spring Production in our CCT. As usual the performances were of high quality and were humorous, adventurous, dramatic and above all enjoyable.

Our Senior students enjoyed their last day of formal classes on Monday before breaking for study leave in advance of their final exams. We wish them and their families all the best for their revision and exams and we look forward to celebrating their graduation from ISB on Saturday May 26th.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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