ISB Communication Single Page View

Important Information on the ISB Board of Trustees Election

By: Eric Ma, Chair, ISB Board of Trustees

Dear ISA Member:

As you may know, the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the ISA is fast approaching.  Generally, the purpose of the AGM is to elect members to the ISA Board of Trustees (“Board”), inform the ISA membership on the work of the Board, and report on the future plans and financial health of the ISA.

This year, three board members have terms that expire at the end of this fiscal school year.  On March 16, 2018, the Board issued the call for electoral candidates from within the ISA community.  The deadline for candidates to submit their applications was Thursday, April 12, 2018.  By the end of the application period, only three candidates submitted applications to the Board for election.

After considerable discussion on the necessity of holding elections for three seats when there are only three applicants, the Board decided to forego elections at the upcoming AGM.  The Board of Trustees made similar decisions in the recent past where the number of candidates matched the seats available, or there were fewer candidates than seats available. 

Please be aware that the Board did not make this decision lightly.  We understand that the ISA’s right to vote for its trustees is its primary means of affecting the direction, mission and purpose of the school.  However, when the Board weighed the considerable cost of holding the election, the use of school resources, and the environmental impact of mailing thousands of candidate packets and ballots to the entire ISA membership, those factors weighed heavily against holding an election in which the outcome was certain.

Therefore, we are pleased to announce that the three candidates who will serve in the seats at issue are:

            Mr. Ira Blumenthal

            Dr. Henrietta Bullinger

            Mr. Christopher Helmkamp

Please come to the AGM on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, to meet the incoming and returning trustees.  Their respective applications are attached to this communication for your review.  You will also be able to learn more about the work of the Board, the future plans for the school, and the financial health of the ISA.  If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me at

Best regards,

Eric Ma
Chair, ISB Board of Trustees

Visit the “Color Now,” Exhibition on Opening Day – May 1st

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing, Communications and Alumni

We are excited and honored to announce the opening of Color Now, our student art exhibition at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC) from May 1 – 13, 2018.

To celebrate open day, ISB will have buses running to the BACC from ISB on the 1st of May. You can sign up for these buses here. 

The exhibition brings together an exceptional selection of student work from pre-kindergarten through grade 12, taking advantage of a variety of visual mediums. It is a joyful celebration of diversity, creativity and color. It is the culmination one year’s worth of work by an extensive amount of students and staff at ISB. There are over 250 unique pieces being showcased. 

BACC is the heart of Bangkok’s growing art scene and it features contemporary art, music, theatre, film, design and hosts cultural and educational events. Some exceptional artists have been on display there and it is a phenomenal opportunity for our students, and our school, to have work showcased on BACC walls. For more information about the BACC please visit their website: For more information about the exhibition, please visit:

The exhibition will be open to the public for the first two weeks of May 1st to the 13th.


Book your spot at the Parent Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon – May 2nd!

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing, Communications and Alumni

Each year ISB’s administration hosts a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon for the many, many parents who spend countless hours helping to make our school a better place for our students. Whether you’ve donated one hour or hundreds of hours, this luncheon is for you.

This year’s event will be hosted at the Buddy Oriental Hotel, which is located in Nonthaburi on the Chao Phraya River. We will be providing return transportation from ISB (leaving at 10:30am) and from Emporium Suites (leaving at 9:30am) to the hotel. To reserve your place at the luncheon and on the van, please RSVP here by May 1st.

We hope to see you there!

The ISB Leadership Team

Last chance to complete the ISB Perception Survey

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing, Communications and Alumni

As part of our ongoing market research, ISB is working with IMPACT Marketing International, an education focused marketing agency based in Canada, to undertake a perception study in Bangkok.

Please see the following email and survey link from IMPACT Marketing:

Dear International School Bangkok (ISB) Community,

Greetings from our team at IMPACT Marketing International.  We are working closely with the ISB Administration to support with their market research efforts and get a sense of the wider perception of ISB in the Bangkok community.

Please click here to participate in this important research

Our goal is to complete a Perception Study to determine how the school is seen by you as a community member or alumni and also how prospective students and their families view the school. We will also look at changes in the corporate and social landscape around you that make a difference to the current and future ISB community.

We are looking forward to meeting some of you in person and others through phone or online conversations, should you be open to talking further with us.  We thank you in advance for being part of this important project and contributing to the ongoing and future success of ISB.

IMPACT Marketing International is an established marketing and branding firm based in Vancouver, BC.  For this special project, we have assembled a team of experts dedicated to ISB. As a third party, we are able to do independent research and encourage all participants to speak with frank and honest candour.

Thank you in advance for being part of the ISB Perception Audit.

Warm Regards,

Deborah Janz-Kriger
CEO and Lead Strategist
IMPACT Marketing International

PTA Executive Board Elections: May 15th, 6 – 7pm

By:  Eilin Hee, PTA – First VP

The annual election for PTA Executive Board positions will take place on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, at the PTA Annual General Meeting. This meeting will be held from 6pm to 7pm (directly before the ISB Board of Trustees meeting), in the Literacy Lounge, Main Library.

The candidates are: 

Dawn Baker, Ginny Condra, Gunjan Mullick, Jenna Deacon-Potter, Katie Edsall, Petcharat Richter, Petra Meeuwesen, Piercarlo Abate, Susan Yates, Tara Osterstock, Vartika Bawa

Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. Executive Board Members will be elected by a simple majority of PTA members present at the meeting. Election results will be announced that evening.

 Updated May Calendar Page for Download

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing, Communications and Alumni

We had a series of date changes in May. You can find an updated calendar page for download here to replace on your ISB School Calendars. 

Download the May Calendar Page here: Calendar May 2018

Mindfulness 101 for Parents – May 4th, 11:15am

By: Dennis Harter, Middle School Principal

Perhaps you’ve heard about ‘mindful practices’ or ‘mindfulness’ on social media, have read about it, or even have personal experience with mindfulness. With mindful practices as a part of ISB’s Culture of Care, it is helpful to explore what we mean by ‘mindfulness’ at ISB!  Please join us for an exploratory session, led by certified Mindfulness instructor, Brenda Perkins, at 11:15 am on May 4th in the MS Skybox (3rd floor above the MS office) after the Welcome Wai coffee.

We’re celebrating! Save The Date – May 24th

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing, Communications and Alumni

We’re bringing our community together – Alumni, Parents and Staff – to celebrate the opening of our Environmental Wilderness Campus (EWC). A project that took years of development and planning deserves a big celebration. We also love bringing our all our community together for a fun evening!

Save The Date – Panthers in the Wild – May 24th, 6pm till late

Live music, great food, excellent company and a few fun surprises!

Keep an eye out for your information next week! It’s going to be wild!

Do you have band instruments to sell?

By: Kentaro Udagawa, Middle School Band

Dear ISB Bands families,

Next year’s grade 6 band students will soon be hoping to purchase instruments for next year. Some will be looking for second-hand instruments to purchase.

If you have band instruments in good condition that you wish to sell (flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, alto/tenor/baritone saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium/baritone, tuba and/or percussion kit), please contact <> and bring your instruments to the MS band rooms (#119 or 107, first floor in the Cultural Center) before Friday, May 11 for us to evaluate and give an estimated price. We will then send a list of available instruments to parents who are interested in purchasing second-hand instruments.

Please be advised that we are not able to guarantee that all instruments will be sold due to the condition or interested buyers.

If you have further questions, please feel free to write to <>.

Kentaro Udagawa and Brent Poling, MS Band

Cafeteria News…Did You Know about Breakfast and HTO Eggs at ISB?

By Michelle Mueller Ihrig, Cafeteria Manager

Did you know that breakfast is served daily starting at 6:30am in the main cafeteria and open to the whole school including parents?  One of the feature attractions at breakfast is the omelet station from the hot service line under the title ‘Breakfast’.  Take your pick of a 2 or 3 egg omelet and add tomatoes, spinach, capsicum, onion, ham or cheese as you wish.

The eggs are from  HTO – Hilltribe Organics.  We love HTO not only because they are organic, but also because they are a social enterprise and tick all of our considerations and more when looking at our focal points in food considerations (the 6 focus points were mentioned in the last E bulletin of health & quality, scope of service, variety, cost, environment, and balance).   The additional added value of HTO is they are partially run by ISB graduates from 2009!

Enjoy  some fun, interesting and inspiring thoughts directly from the HTO Website below:

Pasture-based, Organic Eggs: The Hilltribe Organics Difference – Free Range vs Organic
There are “free-range” and “organic” eggs – but rarely both.  Free-range eggs are eggs laid by hens that have open access to the outdoors but could be given hormones and fed additives. Organic eggs are eggs laid by hens that were raised from birth without hormones and are fed organic feed but still live in very confined spaces.

The hill tribe areas of Thailand contain some of the purest arable soil in the world, free from chemicals and pollutants, providing fertile ground for our biodynamic operations.

Hilltribe Organic chickens are pasture-based, 100% organic- fed, and hormone free, allowing them a completely natural diet and the space to roam freely in the fresh air. This means that our eggs meet and exceed the highest regulations for both Free-range and Organic.

Benefits of HTO
Our organic eggs contain no hormones, no pesticides, no synthetics, chemicals or antibiotics.  Organic eggs are higher in Omega Fatty Acids, Beta-carotene and Vitamin A&E, and lower in cholesterol and saturated fats.

Social Enterprise
The vision of Hilltribe Organics is to transform the lives of poor hill tribe communities in Thailand. By transferring knowledge of organic agriculture and growing the skill sets of the farmers and their families, we aim to at least double family income and create real and lasting social change and development within the hill tribes.

Hilltribe Organics aims to work with existing natural and social eco-systems within the Thai hill tribe areas to offer superior organic products that generate knowledge and income to uplift communities while respecting and preserving their unique way of life.

We look forward to seeing you in the cafeteria for a healthy HTO breakfast.  Enjoy.



ISB Health Clinic: Staying Hydrated

By: ISB Health Clinic

As we enter into the hot season in Bangkok, we all need to make sure we are drinking enough fluids to make sure we remain healthy. If we allow ourselves to get dehydrated we increase our risk of heat related illness (which can be fatal if not treated appropriately).

In the Health Clinic we are already noticing an increased number of students presenting with symptoms and signs of dehydration.

How much should we drink?

Adequate daily intake will depend on age, sex, environment and activity.
Age and sex
Recommended intake for males and females in temperate environment:

Sex Age *Recommended Daily Fluid Intake
Male and Female 4-8 years 1.1-1.3 liters
Female 9-13 years 1.3-1.5 liters
Male 9-13 years 1.5-1.7 liters
Female 14+ years 2.2 liters
Male 14+ years 3.0 liters

*The required intake will increase with hotter/more humid environmental conditions and exercise.


Increasing the environmental temperature and humidity will increase fluid loss through sweating. Therefore the recommended daily fluid intake will increase. With high humidity there is still significant loss through sweating but no decrease in body temperature from evaporation of the sweat.


When we exercise we increase fluid loss through sweating and increased respiratory losses. Therefore the longer we exercise the more we need to increase our fluid intake. With excessive sweating care must be taken to replace electrolyte loss not just fluid loss.

At ISB we monitor the ambient temperature and humidity to determine the “Heat Index”. As the heat index increases the amount of time students are outside exercising is decreased and rest time increased to try and prevent excess fluid loss.

Effects of inadequate fluid intake

  • Headaches. Dehydration will cause headaches in many people and is a known trigger for migraines in some people.
  • Low blood pressure. This may lead to “fainting episodes” and dizziness.
  • Constipation. When the body becomes dehydrated it does everything it can to conserve water. This included taking water from the bowel motions which can cause very hard motions which the bowels have trouble passing. Constipation can cause quite severe abdominal pains.
  • Kidney stones. As the body tries to stay hydrated it produces less urine which is more concentrated with the body’s wastes. Some of these wastes can form kidney stones due to the fact they are so concentrated.
  • Urine infections. Due to the fact we produce less urine when we have inadequate intake we are at increased risk of urine infections because we are not regularly emptying our bladders
  • Mental impairment. Even with only mild dehydration there is a reduction in concentration and mental performance.
  • Substantial increased risk of health related illness. Inadequate fluid intake increases the risk of heat related illness which can be life threatening if not recognised and treated appropriately. It is important that we are adequately hydrated before we start any exercise (or even be outside for prolonged periods). Fluids should be consumed throughout the day not just immediately before exercise (where it is still in the stomach being absorbed).

What should we drink?

Generally water is the best fluid to drink to remain hydrated. At ISB students are encouraged to carry water bottles with water in them at all times.

Sports drinks and electrolyte replacement drinks do have a role with electrolyte replacement in those who have been sweating a lot from exercise.

Fruit juices and soda should be avoided due the the sugar content which may actually cause dehydration (by drawing fluids into the gut).

Alcohol and caffeinated drinks should also be avoided.

How do we know if our intake is adequate?

Our intake is adequate if we are feeling well, passing urine frequently (at least every 3 hours) and our urine is pale in color.

In the student bathrooms at ISB we have a “Urine Chart” which encourages students to look at the color of their urine to see if it shows they are adequately hydrated (and encourages them to drink more if they are not).

Teaching staff are encouraged to frequently remind students to drink their water and PE staff give students regular water breaks throughout the class.

How can you help?

Discuss with your family the importance of adequate fluid intake.

Ask your child how many times they have gone to the toilet during the day and what color their urine is.

Measure the volume in your child’s water bottle and tell them how many times they should fill up their water bottle during the day. For example if they have a 250mL water bottle and they are a 13 year old boy they should be filling it up 6 times in a 24 hour period (to get to 1.5 liters) (they need more if they are outside and exercising). At the end of the day ask then how many times they have filled it up. In the clinic when we ask students how often they fill up their bottles most of them say they never need to fill them up.

Ensure you have adequate fluids yourselves. Our children often model their behaviour on what they see us do!

What are we doing at ISB?

  • At ISB we are monitoring the ambient temperature and humidity to determine the “Heat Index”. As the heat index increases the amount of time students are outside exercising is decreased and rest time increased to try and prevent excess fluid loss. If the Heat Index gets too high outdoor activities are suspended.
  • ISB students are encouraged to carry water bottles with water in them at all times.
  • In the student bathrooms at ISB we have a “Urine Chart” which encourages students to look at the color of their urine to see if it shows they are adequately hydrated (and encourages them to drink more if they are not).
  • Physical Education teachers and athletics coaches are carefully monitoring students, ensuring sufficient water and rest breaks, and advising students about the need to remain hydrated.
  • ES teachers are informing students to drink water before and after lunch, recess and PE – as well as throughout the day
  • All teaching staff are aware of heat related illnesses to ensure it is recognised early and treated. If staff are concerned that a student may be suffering from a heat related illness he/she is referred immediately to the Health Clinic.
  • PE teachers and after school athletics coaches are coordinating to identify students in sequential physical activities to ensure greater monitoring, rest and hydration take place.

ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider or the ISB Health Clinic (


ISB eNews Guidelines

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing and Communications

The ISB eNews provides a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNews guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement:

  • A title for your announcement
  • A contact person and email address for further information
  • Important details such as dates, location, prices, etc

Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families. is for PTA announcements of interest to all ISB parents.

Your announcement will be submitted for review. Please note: ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB All-School eNews is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays (or Fridays when necessary). Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNews are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

The PTA eNews are sent out on Tuesdays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Mondays.


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