High School Counseling News

Andrew Weiser


Essay & Personal Statement Writing Support – Now that Junior Conferences are coming to a close, students will now have a chance to start thinking about the writing required for the applications. Students must plan on attending the following:

April 30   Panther Block – US Essay Writing Presentation

May 7      Panther Block – Personal Statement Presentation (UK, Europe, etc.)

May 9 or May 16         After School – Writing Workshop

Monthly College Coffees –  The April 9 College Coffee (8:00 – 9:00)  @ MPB# 3 will be about admissions and applying to university in the UK and Hong Kong.  On May 7, we will have our last Parent Coffee of the year and it will be about admissions to Australia, Canada, the Netherlands

Grade 12 Parent Transition Meeting – April 26 (8:00am MPB #1) This will be a session for Grade 12 parents sending students off to college. It’s also a transition for parents!!


Grade 12 U.S. Student VISA Meeting – A U.S. Embassy representative will be on campus Wednesday May 2 at 2:45 to present information regarding Student VISA’s to the United States. Grade 12 students and parents are invited.  The meeting will be held in the High School Library (Literacy Lounge)

University Visits– for a full list of who is coming, please subscribe to the Google Calendar at this link

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